View Full Version : PC Pad Reommendations

05-06-2007, 04:03 PM
I have been using my PC with LC 6.5" pads from CMA. I`m about fed up with the CMA pads - the velcro on the white pads keeps coming off (so far, 2/3 pads have died this way). Sure, CMA replaces them without any problems but I`d rather have pads that I don`t want to keep replacing. Oh, the blue constant pressure foam on the orange pad is starting to sling all over the place.

It`s time to send them back and look elsewhere.

I have 1 each 4" white and orange pad for spot correction.

Should I stick with 6.5" pads or go with 5" pads? I see Danase has good prices on 5" pads. How much longer does it take to do a car with 5" pads versus 6.5"?

I am an enthusiast so I don`t mind spending whatever time it takes to get the job done correctly but I don`t want to substantially increase my time.

So, please everyone, give me your suggestions! Also, if I go with the 5" pads, I was thinking 4ea Orange, Green, and White. I do not apply wax by machine - I prefer to do that by hand (plus its more fun that way). I only use glaze on my front bumper to help hide some blemishes so I have one finishing pad for that - the rest of the car gets Zaino with a carnauba topper (BF ivory carnauba).


P.S. The polishes I have are 3M Perfect it II (but I use that by hand only), IP, ZPC, and PO106FF (actually, the BF equivalent), and ZAIO.