View Full Version : Help me Select some Polish/Pad`s Please. Black Silverado.

05-05-2007, 07:05 PM
I have an 06 black silverado and im currently working with Poorboy`s line of polish`s. (SSR1 and 2). Im not sure on which pad`s i currently have as they came with my PC but i think they might be lake country?(Orange,White,Grey) Im really not liking the results im gaining from using the poorboy`s line of polish`s and its dusting like crazy! I see alot of talk about the Menzerna line of polish`s but just baffled on which ones i should purchase? I would say that my paint has slight spider webing and little to no haze but in direct sunlight you can see it alot more.. Could anyone direct me on what they would use in my situation? This would be a great help becouse i dont wanna waste more money on somthing that isnt going to gain me much result`s. Thanks for chiming in. -Shawn

Ron Harris
05-05-2007, 09:30 PM
Menzerna 106FF is what you want if your looking at Menzerna.

Have you looked at the Optimum Polish and Compound. No dusting and a lot less money.

The pads you have should cover every thing that the PC can do.

05-05-2007, 10:26 PM
The newer GM clear coats are rock hard. If your Silverado is new, you`re gonna need some scratch resistant clear coat compounds/polishes to get anywhere.

Using a PC, I`ve had decent results with Blackfire Scratch Resistant Compound for the hard stuff: water spots, medium swirls and scratches. Then followed that up with Menzerna`s PO106FF (as recommended above) to get an LSP-ready finish.

I just don`t think you`ll be able to accomplish much on the newer clear coats using a PC without using one of the newer polishes formulated for the hard clears. At least, I didn`t. Even with the scratch resistant formulated polishes, expect to have to put alot of work into achieving good results with a PC.

05-05-2007, 11:54 PM
So should i do the blackfire with an orange pad then follow it up with a white pad +menzerna?Also i just checked and blackfire also carry`s a finishing polish should i just purchase that instead of the menerzna polish? or what would you do for best result`s?

05-06-2007, 07:35 PM
Assuming you`re gonna be using LC pads, I`d use a yellow cutting pad for the Blackfire, and a green one for the PO106FF. Others would argue that you should use a white pad, and if you were using a rotary buffer I`d agree, but with a PC, you`ll need the little extra bite of the green pad to get enough action on hard clears. A white pad with PO106FF wouldn`t touch the clear on my Charger; I had to use a green.

05-11-2007, 11:07 AM
What about trying an orange pad before moving to the yellow?