View Full Version : Pinnacle Souveran worth the price?

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05-04-2007, 05:33 PM
70 bucks, for that price it better put itself on, lol. Is it worth the $ ?

05-04-2007, 05:37 PM
Depends on what your goals are? For me, since I top my car every couple of weeks, it sure is...It is about looks and less about protection.

05-04-2007, 05:38 PM
It`s about looks for me also.

05-04-2007, 05:42 PM
I have some. It`s a great looking wax. Very easy to apply and remove. Worth it? I used to think so but now I`m not sure. I recently tried CG`s Pete`s 53` and I think it`s right up there with Souveran on ease of application and looks, at a much lower cost. I also bought some 5050 but have yet to try it. Cars with 5050 posted here do look nice.

05-04-2007, 05:43 PM
Depends on what your goals are? For me, since I top my car every couple of weeks, it sure is...It is about looks and less about protection.

Agee..... If you want 85% of the look of PS then you have several options. 5050, World`s best Wax, Pete`s 53, Natty`s Blue, and Meg. #26 ...... all are good waxes and I know I left a couple out.

05-04-2007, 05:56 PM
Is it worth the price? Well, that depends on what you`re using it for. I got mine because it was half off, and I think it is worth that. $70 is a lot to pay for wax. Are there other waxes that get close? IMO, yep there are. It is definitely my favorite wax. I have yet to find anything that looks as good. I dont think I really need to have it around, but I do enjoy applying it. If you have a show car, then I say try it out, but if you only have so much play money to spend, and you`re looking for something to put on your DD. Skip Sovernan. I`m glad I got mine when I did on sale, because I dont think I can justify the price, even if it is my favorite product.

05-04-2007, 06:14 PM
Agee..... If you want 85% of the look of PS then you have several options. 5050, World`s best Wax, Pete`s 53, Natty`s Blue, and Meg. #26 ...... all are good waxes and I know I left a couple out.

I think CG Pete`s 53 and 5050 are not just 85% of the look - more like 98-100%. It would take a very experienced eye to tell the difference between these CG waxes and Souveran.

I would go for CG over Souveran.

05-04-2007, 06:25 PM
on pinnaclewax.com its on special, 2 tubs for 115.00, so it comes to be less per tub if you can find someone to split an order with! (anyone what to go in on an order with me?) :)


a.k.a. Patrick
05-04-2007, 06:28 PM
That would be the day I spent more then $25.00 on a bottle/tub of sealant/wax!!

That (any) wax is only as good as your polishing efforts.......

Envious Eric
05-04-2007, 06:35 PM
yeah I bought it and I love it...looks better than most other waxes I have put on the truck...then again, no other waxes have had the same polish step before it, so I cant really tell for certain its PS I am looking at...but for me, and my higher end details, PS gets used...

05-04-2007, 06:37 PM
Its worth it for me. A few waxes come close, but Souveran has the edge on them.

05-04-2007, 06:43 PM
In a nutshell...yes its worth it. Pinnacle is on sale at Autogeek....:clap:

05-04-2007, 07:28 PM
Is it worth it to buy a better vintage of wine? Sure, if you like wine. I agree with Patrick for the most part; a car will only look as good as your preparation allows; however on *good* prep the LSP can make a difference (imo). Nattys Blue, 5050, #26, #16 etc, will all get you 75% of the way to the Souveran look, but it`s, as always, a diminishing returns thing. You see it in every industry. $10,000 speakers twice as good as $5,000 ones? Maybe not, but to some people that extra "5%" is worth it. It`s like the Zymol thing. Is Concours worth $90 more than Souveran if it only looks a little better? I guess it depends on how important $90 is to you, and how important that "look" is.

So, cliff notes: to me, Souveran is well worth the price.

05-04-2007, 07:33 PM
70 bucks, for that price it better put itself on, lol. Is it worth the $ ?

IMO, hell no

05-04-2007, 07:36 PM
i agree w/ coupe i just couldnt spend 70 bux on a can of wax. Maybe its my financial situation or what not, but thats a lot of money for some wax. My nattys blue cost 15 bux and i LOVE IT!
