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05-03-2007, 01:00 PM
My car is only 6 months old and it is covered in cob webs from washing it with mr.clean auto dry and a cheap wash mit. After being refered to this site, i must say i am extremly unhappy with my cars paint lol. I have the Klasse AIO and sealer glaze, but i want to top it off with somthing that will hide my cob webs for a couple of months till i have more money for a PC. I was thinking of P21S wax, will it hi-light the cob webs or hide them? any other product suggestions would be nice too. By the way my car is black, sorry no pics that show the damage.

05-03-2007, 01:16 PM
It will not hide them at all. Being a black car, I would recommend something like scratch x and then top it with P21S. That would work well. You can also go with KAIO and SG since you already have them, and it should do the job well also.

05-04-2007, 01:44 PM
i have used scratch x to remove a holagram type swirl before and it did awesome work, but i tried it on my spoiler for the cob webs and didn`t get much luck, have u ever used scratch x by machine or is that bad? i have just a simple D/A polisher for putting wax on and taking it off and was thinking of tring that. also i saw a pic of Collinite 845 today that looked good, is that alright to use ontop of klasse AIO?

the other pc
05-04-2007, 04:54 PM
The new formula ScratchX can be used by machine. The old formula tended to get gummy if you tried it with a machine. Just look at the instructions on the tube, it will say if you can use it with a machine.

It works well on many finishes, but it just depends on how hard your paint is and how deep the scratches are.


05-05-2007, 10:59 AM
i have used scratch x to remove a holagram type swirl before and it did awesome work, but i tried it on my spoiler for the cob webs and didn`t get much luck, have u ever used scratch x by machine or is that bad? i have just a simple D/A polisher for putting wax on and taking it off and was thinking of tring that. also i saw a pic of Collinite 845 today that looked good, is that alright to use ontop of klasse AIO?

You might want to look into the 1Z line of polishes at Welcome to Exceldetail.com! (http://www.exceldetail.com/) or Aloha & Welcome to Our Oasis for All Your Auto Detailing Supplies & Accessories (http://www.pakshak.com/index.html) . They are good for people just starting out and work OK by hand (and, I would assume with your RO buffer).

No way would I use the Klasse twins (which I *do* use) on a black vehicle where marring is an issue. Let the waxes/fillers that the 1z leaves behind do some concealing and just apply a durabler wax like the Collinite over top.

Sorry to say "buy different products" but I really do think that`d be a better approach for you. You can use the Klasse twins on your wheels ;) Yeah, you can put the Collinite over top of AIO.

The "problem" with the Klasse approach is that it doesn`t hide any flaws, so any imperfections are very obvious. Hence I only use Klasse on vehicles that I can get (and *KEEP*) perfectly marring-free. That`s one mighty tall order...it`s very difficult to keep from marring them.

And IMO the biggest thing to work on is your wash technique/materials. I`d check out some posts about the "foamgun", which I consider virtually essential for marring-free washes.