View Full Version : Colored Paint Wax

05-19-2005, 12:57 PM
Can anyone tell me where i can purchase the best colored paint wax with numerous color options since i have Wildberry Pearl Coat i have to find a deep red for best color.


05-19-2005, 01:05 PM
Around here Wal-Mart only sells like 3 Turtle Wax Colored Wax, and theres a store called "Uncle Lee`s" that sells all the colors Turtle Wax makes. Autozone sells a few, but not all of them I dont think, but I do know that they do make a dark red colored wax.

05-19-2005, 02:18 PM
A colored wax won`t help a whole lot, you`re going to want to find a good wax for your color. On red the best waxes I can think of are Souveran, Trade Secret, VW Wax (Any of them, so much carnauba percentage :hungry ), and Nattys. I`ve seen these used on red cars with great results. Unless you have single stage paint and the red is exactly the same shade as the wax`s red you`ll get uneven color that actually takes away from the look of your car. Colored wax on clearcoat is really bad (think paint on a mirror). If you choose a quality wax it won`t matter what color it is, it will look great when you`re done.

05-19-2005, 02:31 PM
Meg`s #26 and S100 are both good waxes for darker colors that you can find locally. Poorboy`s EX, topped with Natty`s is great too. If you want to spend the money you can`t go wrong Souveran.

05-19-2005, 08:08 PM
Thanks for your suggestions

See the problem is i have a 93 dodge but the hood is all faded and with white and grey swirls
so i thought i would try those colored waxes and see if that helps without having to repaint the hood

ill try your suggestions and see if that helps


05-19-2005, 08:11 PM
If your hood has swirls you would need to polish them out to improve the look of the surface. If the clearcoat has failed, then there is no option but to repaint. Do you have any pictures so we can better assess the damage?

Big Leegr
05-21-2005, 10:52 AM
Colored wax on clearcoat is really bad (think paint on a mirror).

This is a good analogy! You`re putting color on the clear, which won`t be blending all that great. It may work better on a SS paint job. Still, though, proper polishing/waxing with the good stuff will yield better results.