View Full Version : Paul Dalton Rotary Video......

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04-30-2007, 07:22 PM
One thing you can notice from the vehicle is the lack of masking. Once you get to a certain stage of proficiency with the rotary you dont need to mask up everywhere as I would recommend when learning, however the wiper fluid jets are plastic, and just a light past on them with the buff can destroy them.

Paulie Walnuts
04-30-2007, 07:22 PM
LOL I got to remember that there are other icons to use other then the :) face !

Enjoy, SmiliesFTW 3.0 (http://www.smiliesftw.com/)

04-30-2007, 07:35 PM
Pretty cool as its the first time Ive *seen* a rotary used. Although it looked like he was just applying a finishing polish and moving very very fast no set path, it was still cool to see.


04-30-2007, 07:56 PM
i like to see vids like this as well. i won`t critique him since i am a rotary beginner...and i also do not see a need to bash him like many do. if he posted on here and said he charged $150/detail, most would say how great he is. if he charges thou$ands...they say he isn`t all that. whatever. we would all charge that if we could. more power to him.

04-30-2007, 08:23 PM
:D go find the Meguiar`s DVD and watch Mike Pennington use a rotary like it is nothing. The rotary is almost always perfectly flat and the polisher travels in perfectly straight lines!

04-30-2007, 08:25 PM
Are you this guys personal PR / Marketing rep?

Actually, his agent has posted here under the name Miracle Agent. IIRC Paul has posted here once or twice himself but I don`t remember the userid. More than anything, I imagine the videos were posted simply because Paul has become something of an Internet legend in his own right.

04-30-2007, 08:28 PM
Why does every one of his threads turn into a "this guy sucks" thread." This guy is an amazing detailer and works on wonderful cars. Like many do here. Is he more talented? maybe, maybe not...But to criticize his work, everytime one of his vids pops up becomes redundant.

04-30-2007, 08:33 PM
It doesn`t seem like he`s using any polish. Usually if I am doing a good for instance I lay down a 6 in. line per quarter of the hood. Depending on the polish. Maybe I am using to much?

04-30-2007, 08:38 PM
It doesn`t seem like he`s using any polish. Usually if I am doing a good for instance I lay down a 6 in. line per quarter of the hood. Depending on the polish. Maybe I am using to much?

Well its hard to tell because of the quality of the video how much polish he is using. Also depends on what polish etc. Using certain amount of polish also is determined by which polish is being used. Examples: it seems it requires a lot less polish on the pad when using the Optimum line then say the Menzerna line from my experience.

04-30-2007, 08:44 PM
Are you this guys personal PR / Marketing rep?

And it starts..........

No I am NOT. I just admire his work and marketing. I would actually like him to be my PR/Marketing rep.........others would probably benefit from him too if not so narrow minded.

Why would you ask this?

He does not work for AG and is about a bazillion miles away.

04-30-2007, 08:47 PM
Why does every one of his threads turn into a "this guy sucks" thread." This guy is an amazing detailer and works on wonderful cars. Like many do here. Is he more talented? maybe, maybe not...But to criticize his work, everytime one of his vids pops up becomes redundant.

I just don`t get you guys that criticize.......you`re not critiquing when you ask and make the comments that you are. I simply posted this for pleasure.......not personal gain or you you haters to come in and bash him or me.

Just tell me why you are? Give me one valid freaking reason?

04-30-2007, 08:49 PM
I am with you completely....I think it all wreaks of jealousy.

04-30-2007, 09:17 PM
I dunno, I wasn`t criticizing. I was saying the video doesn`t show much. I`d much rather see him doing some correction rather than throwing a rotary around while doing some finishing polishing. FWIW, I`ve always said I think Paul Dalton is a very good detailer, I just don`t get the point of this video.

04-30-2007, 09:21 PM
I dunno, I wasn`t criticizing. I was saying the video doesn`t show much. I`d much rather see him doing some correction rather than throwing a rotary around while doing some finishing polishing. FWIW, I`ve always said I think Paul Dalton is a very good detailer, I just don`t get the point of this video.

I knew you weren`t Picus.

To be honest, I think you are a great detailer and would love to see a pointless video of you buffing with a rotary.

It would simply be NEAT! As was the intent of this video.

04-30-2007, 09:22 PM
Wow, I really want to know what pad and backing plate he`s using, that thing is floating across the surface, very, very nice. That Makita looks pretty light too, hmmmm.