View Full Version : Klasse SG...do you have to do the AIO first EVERY TIME?

04-28-2007, 09:40 AM
Friends, real quick. It`s a new car, I used Klasse AIO followed by Klasse SG, and p21s Caranuba as a LSP. i`ve washed the car weekly/twice weekly for a month now and spends most of its time in the garage/parking structure. here`s the question:

can i now go ahead and put on a second coat of Klasse SG given that i used p21s caranuba on it 30 days ago? or do i have to start all over again with Klasse AIO? i would think that after 30 days and so many washes that the caranuba is probably gone leaving me with the original coat of Klasse SG.
