View Full Version : Started my detail...

04-26-2007, 12:20 PM
Yesterday I did part of my long planned full detail. I did engine bay and tried wheels.

First of all, engine bay haven`t seen any water or cleaners for 3 years. I sparyed it with Meg`s APC 4:1, scrubed, rinsed and covered with 303 protectant. Now it looks better than new! Too bad I din`t take any before/after pictures. The only thing I covered was alternator.

The other thing that worked really well was baking soda. I used it to clean pretty bad oxidized battery terminals.

The wheels on other hand were pretty disappointing. Given they weren`t cleaned well (just soap on front surface, no claening inside). I gave S100 gel from local Harley a try. The bottle is pretty bad. There`s no difference between sream mode and mist. I`ve used half a bottle for 4 wheels! Anyways I let it sit for almost 2 hours and brushed and rinsed without absolutely no "wow" factor. I think I will go hunting for Eagle One Wheel and Tire cleaner or Turtle Wax Platinum series. I`ve heard they are pretty good.

Can`t wait till next week to try my PC!