View Full Version : Duragloss 601 & 105 procedure

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74 thing
04-25-2007, 12:55 PM
OK I finally ordered these products and need instructions. After polishing do I just lay down a coat of 601 and then how long do I let it set up before I add a coat of 105?

Then how long do I wait until I remove everything?

Them AW? I have been using this product for a long time-great stuff!!


04-25-2007, 01:12 PM
601 should almost flash dry, meaning it will dry quickly. By the time I am done applying, it is usually dry. Then, simply apply 105 over it. 105 should dry in 15-30 minutes depending on the temp.

I would give 105 12 hours to cure before AW. This combo will look awesome!

04-25-2007, 01:26 PM
I concur with the above advice. Another thing to remember is *thin thin coats*. Apply as thin a coat as possible of the 601 and 105, because you will have 2 products on the surface to remove. If you apply them thick, removal could be much harder than it should be. If you find some areas are difficult to remove, you can use the DG FC&S quick detail spray to aid in buffing, or plain water (damp towel) will help as well.

Not only will it look great, it should give you many months of strong, durable protection.

04-25-2007, 02:39 PM
I agree with the 2 posts above...601 actually seems to melt into the paint....do it thin...10-15 minutes later 105 is good to go on...I usally wait 45minites to 1 hour to remove..but thats just me..it comes off effortless then....I have done 105 in the morning and did AW that night..but the 12 hour rule is best....I did it on a hot dry day...only reason I did it was it was a friend who was leaving that night....it worked out ok..but 12 hours is best


04-25-2007, 03:06 PM
was wondering if it is necessary to use the 601 ? i ordered some 105 but didnt order the 601 ?


04-25-2007, 03:10 PM
You can get away with no 601. Honestly, DG products are right up there with Zaino and others. I love and use both, but for the person who loves OTC products, DG can`t be beat. 105, to me, has a unique look. Lots of "shine," but also decent depth. I`m anxious to try it with some Polycharger and see what happens. It is very bulletproof, like Zaino, and VERY slick.

04-25-2007, 03:15 PM
was wondering if it is necessary to use the 601 ? i ordered some 105 but didnt order the 601 ?


No, it isn`t necessary to use 601, but it helps improve durability (better bonding of 105 to the paint), slickness and gloss. I use 105 without 601 on my car, and still get about 5-6 months out of the 105...more with AW on top.

And, I wholeheartedly agree it is right up there with Zaino (among others) in terms of looks, protection, and durability, at least in my experience. For OTC, it`s very hard to beat!

04-25-2007, 03:18 PM
I`m about to do this same thing - 601, 105 x 3 a day apart, then AW. I read quite a while back, on another thread, that one of these products (AW?) is best applied with a damp pad/mf. Is this the case? TIA.



04-25-2007, 03:24 PM
I apply 105 with a dry pad, but if you want to prime the pad slightly damp with water or QD (FC&S), then it will help the 105 spread a little thinner on the surface. I find 105 already spreads very thin and evenly with a dry applicator though, which is why I don`t wet it first.

AW can be used on a wet or dry surface, but I *much* prefer it on a dry surface, using a dry MF towel.

04-25-2007, 03:30 PM
was wondering if it is necessary to use the 601 ? i ordered some 105 but didnt order the 601 ?


the 601 does add a little to the first coat of 105...it is a cleaner and a catalyst also..it gives it a hard coat..but you can get away with out 601 ..I use a AIO before I do 105..mainly the DG 101 ..seems to be a great combo...real wet look using both...here is a post of some using both 101 and 105 after I told him about it..real nice wet look

Autogeekonline Car Detailing Forum - DuraGloss 101 and 105 (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/show-n-shine/3718-duragloss-101-105-a.html)

I think of 601 as the Z1 in the Zaino system...

if you polish the paint and decide not to use 601 make sure the paint is clean of any oils..105 does not play well with them...it smears some times...or curdles..

DG said if the paint is clean of wax and oils 601 not really needed...


04-25-2007, 03:33 PM
Tigermike, thanks. I knew AW was best applied dry. Will correct notes I made on these products and apply all 3 products with a dry pad/mf. As I recall, you can apply by hand nearly as fast as by pc. Thanks again.



04-25-2007, 03:41 PM
thanks guys...... so I take it if I have zaino on my car now then it needs removed before the 105? also one more thing do you all apply it in a circular motion or like zaino up/down on the sides and back/forth on the top,hood and trunk ?


04-25-2007, 03:47 PM
No, you don`t have to remove the Zaino first if you choose not to. 105 should bond directly on top of the Z, since Z sealants contain no oils that would interfere with bonding of the 105. I would probably leave the Z on if it were me, as long as no polishing, swirl removing, etc needs to be done.

And, yes, you can follow the same Zaino procedure for applying the 105, and in fact I find it spreads better and ensures uniform coverage in using long straight motions (back/forth on horizontal surfaces and up/down on verticals).


04-25-2007, 09:45 PM
I agree with the 2 posts above...601 actually seems to melt into the paint....do it thin...10-15 minutes later 105 is good to go on...I usally wait 45minites to 1 hour to remove..but thats just me..it comes off effortless then....I have done 105 in the morning and did AW that night..but the 12 hour rule is best....I did it on a hot dry day...only reason I did it was it was a friend who was leaving that night....it worked out ok..but 12 hours is best


I tried with and without #601,I find more depth and glossy with #105 over #601...its wet!!!!:woot2:

04-25-2007, 09:47 PM
I simply love DG stuffs.The shampoo makes me addicted to washing,the leather conditioner works wonder,no oil film left behind.I won`t want my pants and shirt cleaning up the oil film.