View Full Version : Didn`t want to get Opti-Seal...

04-25-2007, 10:00 AM
I talked myself out of buying Opti-Seal because I have more than enough product I need to use up, but after seeing that Autogeek discontinued their $19.99 sale price, and my cart was still showing the sale price, I decided to take advantage of the deal and order it. Low and behold, I get a message saying it`s now $24.99 so I was a bit disappointed by that and canceled the order. $5 might not seem like much to some of you, but for $5 I could feed myself for a whole day at JackInTheCrack!

Well, I checked their site again today and it looks like they finally have Duragloss FC&S in stock, not only in the regular size but in gallon size too! Plus, their tire & rubber dressing was finally in stock. I`ve never used any of these 2 products, but I`ve been on a Duragloss fix lately and these were my 2 highest priority items to try from them. So far, I`ve yet to use a product from them that`s disappointed me.

Out of all the orders I`ve placed, I`m extra excited about receiving this one. I know Opti-Seal is part of the reason, but I`m actually a bit more excited about the DG products to tell you the truth. I was ready to place my DG order at a local Carquest, but my trip there wasn`t as exciting as I thought it would be (word of advice, do not go on Sunday lol).

I`d really like to spread and give my business to other shops, but at the moment I don`t really feel like I have much of a choice because Autogeek is a one-stop shop and generally ends up being the cheapest place, after shipping and tax charges are figured. They are the Walmart of car care retailers. In a way I feel somewhat guilty for not helping out some of the smaller shops, especially since they`re known for their better customer service.

Anyway, some of you are thinking this is a pointless post but I just wanted to give feedback as to why one would pick one retailer over another. I`m just one person so whether I buy from a forum sponsor or not won`t make or break them. But if I feel this way, there`s probably a few others out there that feel the same way I do. Maybe this small insight will help the smaller guys in gaining more business.

04-25-2007, 10:08 AM
Actually, glad to hear you are liking the range of DG products. I have been impressed with them for a long long time, but the newest products (AW and 105 of course) really got me and everyone else really interested. Which is good for DG, because they really do have a very high quality line of products that I feel can hold their own against any others. DG has been under the radar for a lot of years, and it`s great that a good company with great products is coming to the forefront as they deserve. There are a *lot* of mediocre products on shelves, and I think DG is one of the few that offer truly exceptional products for fair prices. Made all the better with a local trip to the CQ anytime I need them!

I might end up getting the OS at some point, but I`m not one to jump on bandwagons as the hype train is rolling by. I like to sit back and wait for real world testing and results to overcome the excitement of a new product.



04-25-2007, 10:10 AM

Weird post and title. It could have been called anything....

"Opti Seal is too expensive"

"Autogeek customer Service"

"Autogeek sale price canceled :("

"What do you think of Duraglos FC&S or tire dressing"

"Why do you pick the online shop you do"

"Best one stop online shop...Autogeek?"

I`m a little confused...lol :);)

04-25-2007, 10:14 AM
I ordered optiseal from autogeek yesterday and the price switched on me too(saving online cart from days before :)), oh well, at least I will have plenty of foam applicators for the next couple of months. But like you I ordered some Duragloss and Collinite and am more excited with the Duragloss(105 & AW)and Collinite(845) than the opti-seal.

I got in on the free shipping(Ground) deal, but unfortunately it wont come in until monday :bawling: :(


04-25-2007, 10:17 AM
Im glad that I got in on the 19.99 deal. But you do get the extra applicators I guess.

04-25-2007, 10:28 AM
I was using mainly Meg`s products and to go from them to DG, there`s hardly a comparison besides maybe price? Between DG and Zaino, I was hesitant to try them because it seems almost too good to be true with all the praises about their products. But the difference between DG and Zaino was that DG was cheap enough for me to try out and since then I`ve been hooked. One day I`d still like to try out Zaino, but the price point is what`s keeping me away and now that you, Al-53, and others have opened me to DG, I`m not sure if there`s any need for me to try it out. I don`t doubt that Zaino makes excellent products that probably are better than DG, but I`m happy at the results I get for what I`m paying. I`m a "bang for your buck" kinda guy. After all, I own a Hyundai for a reason LOL. Some may think I`m frugal, but I like to think that I`m a bit smarter with my money.

04-25-2007, 10:32 AM

Weird post and title. It could have been called anything....

"Opti Seal is too expensive"

"Autogeek customer Service"

"Autogeek sale price canceled :("

"What do you think of Duraglos FC&S or tire dressing"

"Why do you pick the online shop you do"

"Best one stop online shop...Autogeek?"

I`m a little confused...lol :);)

Sorry Yal, I know it`s confusing. I guess I went with this title because Opti-Seal was the 1st and main reason behind the whole rant LOL. If Opti-Seal wasn`t out, I probably wouldn`t be spending more money at the current time.

04-25-2007, 12:08 PM
I have been using the DG products also and love them. I did, however, give in to the OS and ordered from AG on Sunday. It arives today ("out for delivery" on tracking #). I still went out yesterday and bought two bottles of AW at the local CQ at $4.99 each! Now I have 5 bottles and OS on the way.

Anyway, I`m not sure I`ll be blown away by OS since 105 & AW give me great results and my car is silver. I will report back once I use the OS and see if IMO it is worth the cost over AW.

04-25-2007, 12:47 PM
Anyway, I`m not sure I`ll be blown away by OS since 105 & AW give me great results and my car is silver. I will report back once I use the OS and see if IMO it is worth the cost over AW.

I, for one, would be very very interested in your findings on OS. Please keep us posted! :)

04-25-2007, 02:01 PM
I would be interested too. AW has just been great for me! :)

04-25-2007, 08:26 PM
I`m a huge AW fan too and will be trying OS as well soon.

$5 towards OS > Jack in the Box....health rules

04-25-2007, 09:51 PM
Well, my OS arrived today but I got home from work at about 9:30pm. I still went into the garage to play around. We just bought a 2007 Jeep GC inlight greystone pearl. It has less than 200iles on it right now and was clayed, 105`d and AW`d a couple of days ago. It has sat in the garage since then. So, I QD`d with Megs FI to get the dusat off and tried the OS.

The first thing I noticed is that it has some consistancy to it, like a light oil. This helps see where you`ve put it on. It is very easy to use and I did not get any hazing. I used about 7 sprays to do the entire front end and the passenger side of the Jeep. I did not notice much difference at firs but after about 15 minutes it seemed like it added some wetness and gloss. Really hard to tell because it is under some fluorescent lights in the garage. I will have to see tomorrow and compare to the driver`s side.

I will try it on one of my other cars tomorrow since the new jeep already has almost flawless paint and looked great with the 105/AW combo. My hunter green `95 Jeep will probably be a better testing platform.

I will report back on a new thread tomorrow.

Sorry for the hijack!