View Full Version : Just Recieved My Metabo Rotary!!

04-23-2007, 04:37 PM
And I couldn`t be happier with the purchase, being the last week of classes and before leaving for a little vacation I don`t know how much time I`ll have to practice before I leave but I did pull it out of the packaging when I got home for about 10 minutes and pulled my mom`s van into the garage and did a panel :getdown SHHHH

I used a 5.25`` White CSS Polishing Pad and 3 dots of Optimum Polish on speed 3 and wooo did it work like a charm. I made 3-4 passes to remove the swirls and went probably 4 inches per second. I put hand up to the finish after working the area and it was a little warm, nothing extreme at all.

My first impressions of the rotary are wow, this thing is not as scary as I first thought. I guess when you hear 800 rpm, 1500 rpm it sounds fast (as dumb as that sounds) I never really could picture how fast this actually was on a machine. I started the Metabo on Speed 1 (what I am told is 800 rpm) and it is pretty slow, I think for now I feel most comfortable on Speeds not exceeding 3.

Handling wasn`t too bad either, a few times I found it was leading me rather than me leading the machine but that was only for a second until I got the hand of it. Tomorrow before class I plan on pulling the beater up to the garage and will take a short video clip of me using the Metabo so others can see what it is like and the results I achieve. Not promising anything magnificent as far as results but I`m going to try my best! :)

04-23-2007, 04:41 PM
looking forward to the video and congrats!

04-23-2007, 04:45 PM
Do you think you are going to have to follow with the PC Josh? I am awaiting your word to send my PC to you, let me know!!!

04-23-2007, 05:05 PM
Brandon, Sent you a PM back!

From the 10 minute use I had of it, I don`t think I will need a PC for finishing up but I know I may in the future.

I will continue to use the PC on customers cars until I am absolutely sure I am comfortable with the Rotary, but surprisingly I don`t think that will be as far off as I thought.

04-23-2007, 05:06 PM
Congratulations! How you like it`s ergonomics and control positioning so far?

04-23-2007, 05:08 PM
Congratulations! How you like it`s ergonomics and control positioning so far?

The ergonomics are amazing, handling, quality of the machine...I really don`t find the controls for the speed and the on/off switch a bad thing. That was one thing which really worried me (not having a trigger) but I think without ever using a trigger before it will be much easier for me to get the hang of.