View Full Version : Bodywork saga continues...

04-23-2007, 10:19 AM
I had some paintwork done recently through the dealership because of a manufacturing defect with a hood hinge. The damage was to the area where the hood hinge is located and was to the edge of the hood and edge of the fender. Long story short, I got the car back last Tuesday and washed it. Didn`t look horrible, there were some holograms, but I knew that would happen. It was sunny for the first time on Friday. HORRIBLE marring and holograms on the WHOLE car. It was like they used a rotary with a sand paper pad. I started polishing at 7 pm. When I got to the REAR fender, I noticed that the moron actually burned through the clear, base coat, and primer in two 1.5 inch spots on the edge of the wheel well. Is that riduculous or what? Why were they even touching that area?!?! I finished polishing the rest of the car at 2:30 am. Now the car has to go back this Friday. UGGGGH! They will be warned not to touch anything but the area they have to paint. I`ll post some before and after pics later.

04-23-2007, 10:24 AM
Everytime you bring a car for service you always tell them 1. no washing 2. no buffing

I`ve seen them buff a brand new car first hand. The machine looks like this oversize rotary thing and the guy was just randomly running it over the whole car with no sort of lubrication between the pad and paint. It was horrible.

04-23-2007, 10:55 AM
I am pretty sure that the body shop did it. But, whoever did it, I am almost positive that they did it exactly how you described it. I could go through about 200 auto car washes and never get it as bad as they did in about 15 minutes.

04-23-2007, 11:15 AM
I know full well that some body shops just don`t have a clue when it comes to buffing a car. I`ve seen rotaries with dirty wool pads laying on the floor waiting for the next "victim". I`d start off with a heart-to-heart with the guy in charge of the shop, telling him diplomatically exactly why you`re unhappy with the results, especially with the damage in an area that was fine before. Don`t rage, at least not yet. Just don`t leave any doubt about your dissatisfaction or your expectations.

04-23-2007, 11:19 AM
Actually, my first mistake was letting the dealership handle all communications with the shop. When I called the dealer this morning, they agreed to have the area repaired. I will talk to the shop this time at least to tell them not to buff anything but the very small area they have repainted. I agree, no rage at them - yet. :bat

04-23-2007, 11:50 AM
Actually, my first mistake was letting the dealership handle all communications with the shop. When I called the dealer this morning, they agreed to have the area repaired. I will talk to the shop this time at least to tell them not to buff anything but the very small area they have repainted. I agree, no rage at them - yet. :bat

Let them know the work you had to do to repair it. Show them the before and after also so they know the damage they inflicted.


04-23-2007, 01:05 PM
As soon as I upload the pics from my digital camera, I`ll be doing that. I`ll post some here, too.

04-24-2007, 10:28 AM
Here are some pics of what they did to the car. I don`t have after photos yet, but hope to tonight.

04-24-2007, 10:40 AM
Good grief, what did they use, and angle grinder? :angry

04-24-2007, 10:50 AM
Good grief, what did they use, and angle grinder? :angry

Makes you wonder, doesn`t it? :hairpull