View Full Version : Do you guys care about the *freshness* of a product

04-23-2007, 09:07 AM
Certain things would apply moreso than others, but for example, there is a Zaino distributor that is only about 2 miles away from me.

CS I would not worry about since it just came out.

However, in my past transactions with him....and seeing how his car looked like as well *which to me is his resume*, and just in our conversations........which is very *z zealot*, I am skeptical of how fast his product moves. Bearing that, I would rather spend the shipping costs and order direct since at least I know the product could/would be more fresh than possibly a bottle of Z2 Pro that has been sitting around for a year plus in a unheated garage out here in the Northeast......

Other than Z, I don`t really worry about other supplies - given the pricepoint, at the online shops I use, I`m sure their stock is constantly being moved and replenished. Not a single detailing product to date has gone bad on me yet, just short of the ZFX that was half full that dried up.

Just wundering if *like* minds think alike.

04-23-2007, 02:03 PM
Noting that I don`t use Zaino, I don`t care about "freshness" as long as I`m getting the version of the product that I want/expect.

So many of my products are *many* years old...no problems. Heh heh, I`ve stockpiled discontinued stuff that`s getting *old* and I fully expect it to work fine when I finally get around to using it.

04-23-2007, 02:14 PM
Admit mitt Accumulator. You`re a stasher ;-)