View Full Version : Do you guys spend $$$ on wheel cleaners ?

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04-22-2007, 10:49 AM
I`m just looking at what`s out there on the market

For me, I have used 3 types for the last couple of years.

Griots Car Wash - 2X-3X a week summer wash

Citri Gel - if the wheel is grimey and I just want a gentle product to cut the grit down

Then just my stash of APC which for wheels I just 4:1. I tend to use this on wheelwells and winter wheels. At the end of winter, I may even go even 3:1 just to get rid of the grime and all and then thoroughly wash/clean/store them away.

Prior to the trio and Autopia, I used to use P21S Wheel cleaner.....which I still like, just from the economics of it, the trio products I use cover a wider range for me.

Hell, I`ve got 3 old spray bottles of Mothers Tire Cleaner. Looks and Smells like APC cut with water to me ;-)

04-22-2007, 11:30 AM
If you have a layer of wax/sealant protecting the wheels, you`d be surprised that even a dry swipe of the finger will take the brake dust right off!

04-22-2007, 11:45 AM
If you have a layer of wax/sealant protecting the wheels, you`d be surprised that even a dry swipe of the finger will take the brake dust right off!

Ditto - I agree. Personally I just believe in washing the wheels with the car once a week, and waxing every couple-a-weeks or so, just to give `em some protection.

04-22-2007, 11:51 AM
Wax does NOTHING for me...I have low dust brake pads.

The roads out here are just dirty....and I tend to get tar sometimes, if not just water spotting/soil on the wheels just due to construction which I can`t seem to avoid. Hell, I`ve been know to go local only to have the *over head construction* water from above be splattered on me as I take the local routes ;-)

The point was that a $15 bottle of APC is more versatile for my needs than the wheel cleaners which I`ve seen range from $40-$90 a gallon. I think that more/less what I paid for Citri Gel when it was available .

Then again the Griots is around $40 but just short of polishing, I don`t mind spending $$$$ on quality washing products/tools/towels for paint as that is what I would use most on the car and to me, they make/break the marring on the paint once properly polished..

tom p.
04-22-2007, 12:08 PM
Prior to the trio and Autopia, I used to use P21S Wheel cleaner.....which I still like, just from the economics of it, the trio products I use cover a wider range for me.

chef, I`m with you. I`m a diehard wheel cleaner user. I never found the level of cleanliness and brightness I desire by using just a wheel wax or car wash during my weekly wash routine. It just wasn`t getting the job done. :(

Tip: You can buy the S100 wheel cleaner (available in 5L jugs!!) for about 1/2 the cost of the excellent P21S product. :D

Tip: FK1 has a 1st class wheel cleaner. Almost equal to P21S. Comes in gallons ~$25 and you mix 4:1. Good stuff.

04-22-2007, 03:28 PM
where can i buy the s100 Tom?

04-22-2007, 04:03 PM
I use Amazing Roll off, diluted and I have been using the same gallon for the past year. The stuff works great and is very versatile

04-22-2007, 04:41 PM
I use wheel brightener on most cars... a $20 gallon lasted me through 40+ cars when cut 4:1. For my own personal car, I`ve got polished aluminums and I don`t use any wheel cleaners, just soap and water weekly plus S100 Polishing Soap once in a while.

04-22-2007, 11:08 PM
Wax does NOTHING for me...I have low dust brake pads.

The roads out here are just dirty....and I tend to get tar sometimes, if not just water spotting/soil on the wheels just due to construction which I can`t seem to avoid. Hell, I`ve been know to go local only to have the *over head construction* water from above be splattered on me as I take the local routes ;-)

Have you tried collinite on your wheels? That`s what I use on my bimmer and you know how those cars are with brake dust. Collinite works for me I get about 3-4 full weeks of great protection meaning a quick wipe during a wash and the wheels are clean and shiny.

04-23-2007, 12:49 AM
nah, i just use some 5:1 APC. cheap and easy!

04-23-2007, 01:27 AM
I spend what i need to to get the wheels clean. It is easy enough to protect my car but when im working on clients i needsomthing that works.

I use p21s gell wheel cleaner, I love this stuff, its a little procey but well work it if you ask me

04-23-2007, 01:49 AM
so far I`ve only used soap and water for my own wheels, but since I just picked them up, curious what does everyone else use aside from soap and water on polished wheels?

04-23-2007, 02:02 AM
nah, i just use some 5:1 APC. cheap and easy!


5:1 citrus degreaser. Very effective. I soak the wheels, inner fenders, and tires before I do my initial wash.

04-23-2007, 03:21 AM
what is this APC everyone keeps talking about?

what brand?

tom p.
04-23-2007, 06:58 AM
where can i buy the s100 Tom?

Diesel, it was an on-line Harley business..I don`t recall the name. One place has 5L for $43, another for $49. If you have an HD shop near your home that retials the S100 product line, that could be an excellent alternative.