View Full Version : Optimum Polish Turned Into Water!?

04-21-2007, 08:42 PM
has anyone had this happen to them?

I had the polish stored in my basement during winter and today when I took it out to use it it was just like water...

even after some serious shaking the texture was very watery and if I look inside theres small chunks of polish and the rest water.

the optimum compound and klasse twins that I had are OK..

As well my basement never gets below 61 in the winter so what could cause this????

04-21-2007, 08:59 PM
My OP looked like that too ... unitl I insert a metal rod and stirred it up to break up the chunks. Then I shook hard for a long time. Eventually it mixed.

Don`t know if that will work for you or not. BTW...mine is the older version of OP.

04-22-2007, 12:21 PM
thanks i`ll give that a try..

it just seems that product shouldn`t "go bad" after only 6mths storage.

i bought my OP last year, not sure if theres considered the older version.

the positive out of this experience is that i was forced to use AIO instead of OP as my swirl mark remover. suprisingly it did a pretty good job on severe swirls. didn`t completely remove like OP but much better than i thought.

04-22-2007, 12:39 PM
i don`t think it went bad...it just settled out and needs a really good mixing. i`m sure Optimum would help you out if you give them a call as well.


04-22-2007, 12:43 PM
I had the original version of OP and the same thing happened to me. I used it proabably 6 times at most and ended of chunken` it. Buying 36 oz of polish is just too much for someone who only details his personal fleet. I wish they wound come out with 6-8 oz bottles of product. At least that way I could try multiple brands.


04-22-2007, 02:33 PM
I believe the initial formulation of their polishes had this "lumping" problem. Just give them a call or the vendor in which it was purchased. They should take care of you with a replacement.