View Full Version : Perfect Shine Questions

04-20-2007, 03:29 AM
Hey everyone, sorry to plague you with my noobie questions but today is going to be my first REAL detail (beyond a wash/dry).

I recently purchased the Sonus Perfect Shine Kit, but I have some questions regarding the use of it.

Firstly, how should I discern between whether or not I should use the sfx-1 before the sfx-2? I have swirl marks all over my car, but they can only be seen in the light and I wouldn`t consider them "deep" though I guess opinions may differ. Should I just do the 2-step method to be safe?

And also, how long should I let my Klasse AIO cure before I top it with the P21S wax?

04-20-2007, 09:49 AM

Congrats on the purchase, KAIO doesnt take anytime to "cure" as such. You can apply it, remove it, and then go straight your P21s.

I presume you are have a Impreza? I think you will get away with just SFX-2, what pads do you have? Try going got a more aggressive pad if you dont get to far with SFX-2. 3 is for more serious defect removal and Japanese paintwork is often quite soft so SFX3 might be a bit over kill from what you have suggested.
