View Full Version : Help with Menzerna Line of Products

04-19-2007, 07:40 PM
Hi, I haven`t purchased polishes for awhile. I`ve been using Menzerna IP and FP. This is the older kind in the older bottle, not what you can buy on properautocare. My first question is, is there a difference between the new kind and the old kind? Should I be buying the new kind(I still have some old left). My next question is, I also see PO106F for sale as well as another kind i think. How do these fit in in the product line? Do you still need IP, FP and the P0106f?

I`m also curious about pads. I`ve been using for a couple of years some pads form CMA(White and Yellow pads). Do I need to upgrade.


04-19-2007, 08:31 PM
I`m not positive about any chemical changes with the bottle change.

PO106FF and similar are formulated for newer ceramic clearcoats, but perform outstanding on any finish. PO106FF has greater cut than FP, but it finishes down even better. It replaced FP for me.

The new Lake Country CCS pads seem to be a wise purchase.

04-20-2007, 01:57 PM
So do you use P0106ff with a yellow pad or white pad? Is this a final step polish before applying your protection?

04-20-2007, 02:32 PM
I use PO106FF with a polishing pad or finishing pad. It is normally the last step I do before waxing/sealing.

04-20-2007, 03:37 PM
I use PO106FF with a polishing pad or finishing pad. It is normally the last step I do before waxing/sealing.

Zane is right on the money....Use a polishing pad or finish pad with 106FF...go higher and you may induce a hazing or micro marring...

I found that the LC CSS pads work great with menzerna...the green blue or white....I have used a orange to cut a little better but ended up haveing to use the white after to clean it up from hazing a bit...


04-20-2007, 03:54 PM
You don`t need to upgrade pads unless they are in bad shape or if you want to change grades, but as a whole the CCS pads are not any better than the Variable Contact pads...no difference in performance.

The PO106FF is in a class by iteself, thought he FPII is almost as good. I actually prefer the Blackfire SRC polish a tad better than the standard PO106FF, as it has a little more lube and seems to glyde better with the rotary, though they are basically the same polish.

04-21-2007, 11:42 AM
So does the P0106ff replace IP and FP?

04-22-2007, 01:03 AM
Blah, old formulation and full of dust, nothing special about it in my opinion !

04-25-2007, 07:48 PM
So does the P0106ff replace IP and FP?

Yes, on the FPII. Honestly, I find 106FF to only be about 10% better than FPII, but FPII is about 20% better than anything else I`ve ever tried (and I`ve tried about everything).

04-25-2007, 07:49 PM
Blah, old formulation and full of dust, nothing special about it in my opinion !

Thankfully, I`m confident not many other (experienced) Autopians will share these sentiments, so don`t let these comments deter you JW.

04-25-2007, 09:42 PM
I tried the new po83 super intensive polish yesterday and this stuff is amazing at what it can do and the gloss that is left is very close to 106.