View Full Version : Tired of SSR 2.5 new reccomendations? Also what kind of tape to mask with?

04-19-2007, 03:54 PM
What`s up guys

I`ve been using SSR2.5 for a while and i`ve finally given hope on it. All it does is

1. leave little craters all over my finish (BIGGEST PROBLEM)

2. Introduces hardcore micromarring that SSR 1.0 can`t remove completely.

3. Creates such a ridiculous amount of dust that i need to rewash the car after i use it!! Dust everywhere!! In every crack, all over the windows, engine bay etc...

Can you guys suggest some new polishes?

Also, please tell me which polish goes with which pad

I`m using EDGE Green (medium cut), Blue (light cut/polish), and White (polish/finishing) pads

Some people recommended optimum? But i don`t know the equivalent to SSR 2.5. Is it the compound or the polish?

Also, i`m using painter`s blue tape to mask but when i pull it off....it leave sticky residue all over the car!! Can you guys recommend other types of tape?

Thanks in advance.


Should i continue using SSR 1.0 to finish or try something else?

04-19-2007, 04:45 PM
Blue painters tape is what the majority including myself use. Yes it leaves some tape lines here and there, just take some QD and an mf towel to wipe those away. I dont really see this not happening with any other tape that will stay in place if hit by the polished. I have used SSR2.5 and find that Optimum`s hyper compound or compound has similiar cut yet a lot less dusting. I have thrown my left over ssr2.5 away months ago. :) I assume you are using the PC?

04-20-2007, 12:37 PM
Here`s a chart....

Polish Chart (http://thedetailinghandbook.com/Polish_Chart.aspx)

04-20-2007, 01:15 PM

Point 2 : 2. Introduces hardcore micromarring that SSR 1.0 can`t remove completely.

Its sounds to me you are not working it long enough and its not breaking down.


04-20-2007, 01:51 PM
ssr 2.5 is actually a great polish...but has a harder learning curve than most...from the sounds of it you are using way to much polish...and you need to change pads frequently with ssr2.5...do not use any pad conditioner or qd on your pads.. ssr2.5 works best on a dry clean pad...i would say the avg car requires about 4 pads to finish the job....also the craters and micromarring it is leaving is from not breaking the polish all the way down...2.5 takes a while to break down into a finishing poilish...also if you are having difficulty with micro marring switch to a polishing pad rather than a cutting pad...it wont correct as much but will finish lsp ready...i have great success with 2.5 and an orange pad but took a while to learn how to finish it down lsp ready...