View Full Version : Damnit, so my car is like the dirtiest its ever been...

04-18-2007, 11:24 PM
Well let me start out by saying that when im home, i am so anal about the appearance of this car. I make sure it is spotless all the time, and i will spend hours detailing it, it has become my hobby now. Ive been the same way with all my cars, i cant stand driving a dirty car at all. But now that im down at flight school down here in Jax, things are a little more harder. I dont have a driveway to wash my car in, and i dont have a garage to park my car in every night. To wash my car, i have to take it to the local coin-op afterhours late at night so i can bring my own stuff and bucket-wash it. (This girl use to let me use her house to wash my car, but she got pissed off b/c i wouldnt date her so she wont let me anymore. I should have used her just to be able to wash my car now that i think about it. :think: )

But yeah, to get to the point. Well with it being the last couple of weeks of school i`ve been wanting to go to the beach a lot and everything and ive been REAL busy with exams and getting all my flying done before i go home, so i havent had any time at all to get the car clean like i would want to. So me and this girl end up going down to the beach the other night and it ends up pouring, so we hurry up to get into my car and we track sand in EVERYWHERE. :wall Well the next day i go out to my car and the outside is just covered with sand and other fine particles, i mean its all over the car. Theres sand/dirt/small particles all over the paint, trim, rubber seals, and everything else. I have no idea how it got this dirty, and im like freaking out about it.

Now im not going to be able to wash it until tommorow night, this happened last saturday and its been sitting outside for that whole time since then of course. I guess it would be salt thats on the outside of the car right? Since it was at the beach and everything. Is this going to hurt my paint sitting on there this long? I JUST put 2 coats of Z-5, 1 of Z-2 on there during Spring Break which was only a couple of weeks ago. Ill be back home here in a week and i plan on doing a very extensive detail to it. I just want to make sure that everything will be ok, and the sand/salt/whatever else was on there isnt going to harm anything. Also, a bird decided to take a dump on my car a couple of days ago, how long can that stay on without it harming anything? The paint of my car is in great condition, especially for a 9 yr old car. I get compliments on how clean and shiney it is all the time, and i want it to stay that way. Ive just never had it this dirty so im kind of freaking out about it.

I cant wait till i get home so that the car will finally be more safe from the elements, unlike it has been down here. :sadpace:

04-18-2007, 11:29 PM
You need some ONR to keep your baby clean. I think I would atleast get the bird poop off at the very least if your going to wait to clean it.

04-19-2007, 07:52 AM
Yup, ONR is your friend. Great stuff. I sometimes wash my car with it while it`s parked on the street. Keep a QD or ONR mix and a fwe MFs in the trunk for bird bombs and bug guts.

Not sure how well Zaino handles salt air, but I suspect it`s as good as anything out there. Otherwise I`d say look at some of the marine waxes, such as Colinite or 1000P.