View Full Version : Warranty paintwork problem??

04-18-2007, 11:50 AM
I need some advice. I had some repainting done of the area of the hood and the fender where the hood hinges are located. This was due to a manufacturer`s defect of the hinges which caused the hood to scrape the fenders. The work was covered under the warranty. I got the car back yesterday and it was completely dusty. I washed it when I got home and noticed that they did a nice job on the damaged areas and only left SOME holograms. The real issue is that when they reshot the hood (the whole thing), they didn`t sand down some pretty significant rock chips and now the paint is pock-marked where those chips existed. My question is simply whether this is acceptable or not. In my opinion, if they had to reshoot the hood, they should have sanded out those spots. Am I wrong? Or did they do what they should have done?


04-18-2007, 11:55 AM
Well....technically the rock chips were not a defect so they can probably get by saying that they didn`t have to fix them. Personally if it were me I would want them fixed because like you said, they had to sand down the whole hood and repaint anyway. All they would have had to do was take some Evercoat Metal Glaze with a razor blade and fill them in, shoot a little primer over the top and repaint. I don`t know how obvious they are but they may not have seen them. Either way it goes back to reputation. Why not just go ahead and do it right to start with??

04-18-2007, 12:37 PM
Thanks for your thoughts. I have never had work done like this, so I have no reference point to know what should have been done. It looks like they did a nice job otherwise. Its just those 10 or so pockmarks, some of them pretty decent sized, about like this: O or so. Certainly not smaller.

04-19-2007, 03:43 AM
Take it back and let them look at it. It may be fisheye or dirt in the paint, either way it is

bull sh... They should fix it.

David Fermani
04-19-2007, 06:43 AM
The stone chips are unrelated to the warranty work. The duty of the manufacturer is to put your vehicle back to the condition it was in prior to the repair. That means stone chips or other damage isn`t covered. BUT,(!!!) I`ve seen customers complain if the shop didn`t offer/upsell you to repair those problems and get it redone at no charge. It all depends on the integrity of the shop. If this is a dealership, I`d go all the way up the ladder until they do it. It would be an easy battle for me, unless it was offered to you in the 1st place. If it was, you don`t have a leg to stand on.

04-19-2007, 03:46 PM
It is clearly unrepaired rock chips. They simply painted right over them. The dealer picked the repair shop (after telling me they do great work) - I know, I know, please don`t comment on my stupidity. I was never given any option to do anything to get the chips repaired. Not knowing anything about paint work or what should have been done, it just seems unprofessional to handle it the way it was done. It just doesn`t look right with the divots or pockmarks that distort the nice, level paint. Maybe I should be happy that the chipped areas are now protected. I will contact the dealer and see what their position is.