View Full Version : Polish/Seal/WAX Product Chart

04-17-2007, 01:05 PM
I searched the forum and couldn`t find it, but does anyone know if there is a comprehensive chart of all of the products out there and what category they belong under. I am not new to detailing, but I just think it would be nice to see something like this for me and everyone, especially those that might be new to detailing. It would even be better if they are ranked by strength.

04-17-2007, 01:07 PM
Your best bet is to just ask and we can tell you. I think if every product was listed it would be about the size of an encyclopedia. ;)

Welcome to the forums!

04-17-2007, 01:27 PM
Thank you :grinno:

Fair enough. I have a 4 month old black Jag X-Type that`s getting its first detail next week.

I`ll start with a thorough wash with Four Star Ultimate Auto Wash Shampoo then follow with Four Star Ultimate Clay Lubricant and bar.

I plan to finish with Four Star Ultimate Paint Protection. I`ll probably top it with P21S Concurs just because I have it.

Now I need help with what to use after claying. In the past I used Klasse AOI and SG, but I`m reluctant to use either now. Why? I had a black 2003 Saab that was cared for by these two products regularly, and I could never stop wateretching, finally the paint just looked awful. So, I don`t want the same to happen to my new car. Whether it was the fault of Klasse products or just living in Pittsburgh at the time (high acid rain), I would just feel better if I used something else.

So, what do you recommend for a black Jag? Ignoring what condition the paint is in now (which is excellent), I still want to order something for bad to good condition so I have it on hand. BTW, I already have a bottle of Menzerna IP.

Scott P
04-17-2007, 01:27 PM
Plus, you have products that crosover two or even three of those categories.

04-17-2007, 05:12 PM
Your best bet is to go to one of our sponsors websites, and that will allow you to click on compound, polish, glaze, sealant, wax, etc., so you can see the many products offered in each area.