View Full Version : What`s makes a metal poish - compounds or solvents

04-16-2007, 11:03 PM
In the city, I ofter see the main. guys in buildings using a solvent metal polish and wiping the tarnish off polished brass parts.

My Mother Chrome or Alum. polish is closer to liquid as opposed to my Flitz which is pastelike....

I`m just curious in general, what makes a metal polish effective. Is it the compound it it or moreso the solvent in it ?

Just got new metal polishes delivered as well. Unfortunately I won`t need any metal polishing needs soon as I`ve done my pre-warm up spring cleaning full detail session already. It` very liquidy to say the least......

04-17-2007, 09:57 AM
You can do it either way. The dip baths work by chemically removing the tarnish. The pastes and rubbing liquids work by mechanical abrasion.