View Full Version : Customer service like this will keep me coming back!

Chris R
06-03-2003, 01:37 PM
I ordered the Platinum complete kit from Dwayne Saturday night (early Sunday morning east coast time) and first thing Monday morning I had an email comfirming the order with a UPS tracking number! Outstanding! Now I`m just waiting for Santa in the big brown truck to wheel into my driveway.


06-03-2003, 01:46 PM
I placed an order on Saturday too...(around there) ...but I didn`t get an email till Monday Afteroon!!!!

I think he took lunch on Monday!!!! Man....

Chris R
06-03-2003, 03:44 PM
I work evenings, so my "mornings" come later in the day than most other people! ;) :D

06-03-2003, 04:07 PM
Yep, Dwayne and the folks at 4-Star are definetely focused on customer service. I wish more companies were like them.


06-03-2003, 06:22 PM
Well, I`ve only had one dealing with Dwayne, and the people at Premium............. and was very pleased. Everything I`ve heard about the CS has been great. I`m certain that their CS will continue to come through!

Now, I`m just waiting for the "Big BlowOut Sale" (work on `em Jeff) to order some Poorboy`s stuff! :D :D

06-03-2003, 06:53 PM
oops...I order`d already..first day it was on the site....too anxious,,,,they got me at a weak moment...sry

Have 2 vehicles line`d up..since I can use it the Sun..I don;t need to have them bring the vehicle over to my garage.....

06-03-2003, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by JeffBruce
oops...I order`d already..first day it was on the site....too anxious,,,,they got me at a weak moment...sry

Yea, but you can work on em for me!!!! :D :D

06-03-2003, 07:49 PM
Whew!!! You guys should see what an online business process and ship facility is like on a Monday if you try to be normal and take Saturday and Sunday off!

One word. Intense.

Imagine this... leave work Friday but the store NEVER CLOSES. People all over the U.S. now have more time on their hands and Friday just happens to be payday! Let`s go shopping!

So orders tend to add up over the weekend.

I come in early... start printing 3 copies of every invoice (I keep a copy, customer gets a copy and accounting get a copy).... one click and they all shoot out.... gotta keep feeding paper into the printer... as they shoot out I have my "Paid" stamp in hand.

These orders go on a clipboard, out to the warehouse and my assistant will pull inventory and set up and assembly line of orders in our shipping area.

Load up the tape, make sure you have boxes... double check the orders as they go in the box. I still have my hands on every order.
Every box on a scale and then labels are printed and Tracking numbers are sent in quite the automated process.

I have worked till 10 P.M. on a Monday night before I had help around here.

We are happy that you guys appreciate our efforts.


06-03-2003, 08:00 PM
They deafinately do not go unnoticed dwayne thx as always.

06-03-2003, 10:02 PM
Dwayne i know the feeling..can i borrow your assistant..oh never mind..I want NAtty`s asssistant:D

06-04-2003, 05:00 AM
Originally posted by Poorboy
Dwayne i know the feeling..can i borrow your assistant..oh never mind..I want NAtty`s asssistant:D

Hey, I get first "divvies" on Natty`s assistant! :D :D :D :D

06-04-2003, 07:05 AM
Yea yea yea Dwayne....shall I get out the violin? LOL

Seriously, I`m sure it`s hectic and a lot of work but your customers do notice the level of service you folks provide.

Now, as far as anyone borrowing my assistant.....get lost! And you Boss, I thought we agreed that it most likely wouldn`t be good for your health:p. And Poorboy...if you think your knees are weak now just what do think would happen after my assistant got through with ya :rolleyes: . No guys, I can`t allow the health of my fiends to be placed in jeopardy. So taking YOUR best interest to heart, I`ll have to keep my assistant here with me. :cool:


06-04-2003, 07:13 AM
Originally posted by NattyBumppo
No guys, I can`t allow the health of my fiends to be placed in jeopardy. So taking YOUR best interest to heart, I`ll have to keep my assistant here with me. :cool:

What a great guy.............. always putting what`s best for other people ahead of his own well being! ;)

I agree on the Poorboy part though............. he will need to conserve his strength, as he has 3 trucks to detail on a certain fishing trip! :D :D