View Full Version : my first click and brag (sorta)

04-10-2007, 05:41 PM
Well just got some stuff in (finally) this is the first pads and products i own for my makita (used to use stuff at work)



2 Did part of my hood, heres the before


3 Worked in for a couple mins with orange pad @ 1400rpm


4 Close up of polish (rock chips included)


5 After 1 pass @1400rpm with orange LC, and 1 pass with gray LC @900rpm


6 Outside with one shot with some poli-seal


No sun shots so i cant check for hologram but usually under the light i would be able to see some, they seemed to have disappeared after the gray pass.

Tips/comments/ideas are all welcome and def needed.

Soft honda paint is fun lol

04-10-2007, 07:04 PM
i know its not much and the pictures suck but i plan on getting some huge halogen lights to get better pictures, any tips and tricks on using the rotary or the products?

04-10-2007, 07:26 PM
Even though the end result looks great, I am looking at the hologram type effect in picture #3. It looks like you didn`t work the polish long enough. You should be polishing small areas at a time, not whole panels, and should work the polish until it starts to disappear. Those hologram type marks are actually workable polish still left on the paint. That should not be there. The speed you are using is fine, just slow down your movements and let the polish and the polisher do their job.

If you find that it is taking forever for the polish to disappear, then you are probably using too much polish, back off a little bit.

Other than that, it looks good.

04-10-2007, 07:49 PM
phew finally some tips lol thanks a lot dookie, yea i used about a penny sized of OP in 2 spots on the pad, and let me just say that wow that stuff goes a long way. It felt like like there wasnt even enough polish then all of a sudden it start working out.

04-10-2007, 07:53 PM
It sounds like you are using the proper amount of polish. You may find that you have to start off with a little more polish than normal, and then back off as the pad gets primed.

The biggest thing is just choose a small area to work, and work it until the polish is completely gone, but without dry buffing either. There is a sweet spot that you will find, and that will tell you when to stop polishing.

The biggest misconception I find is when people think you "apply" polish because you don`t. Polish gets worked in just like polish on a shoe. It is this working action of the polish that removes defects from the painted surface.

04-10-2007, 07:59 PM
im actually very surprised that i didnt have to use the compound (which im sure i will since theres still a wee bit of small scratches here and there) ill probably use the polish and poli-seal on my dads 06-07 camry when i get a chance that has very very minor swirls from the car wash.

thanks for the help man its very appreciated, the next 2 planed projects i have are an 01 Audi A4 (i did with a craftsman orbital last yr) and a 99 malibu (which im sure hasn`t even seen a car wash lol) has rust below the gas cap and what not but its a fun experience.

I`ll practice more on a hood that i bought back home fom work, its from an 03 boston police cruiser that got replaced, funny thing is that it wouldnt fit in my trunk so we cut it in half

04-10-2007, 08:49 PM
LOL, sounds like you are having a lot of fun, which is exactly how its supposed to be. Also, practicing on junk pieces is a great idea. What you should be looking for is how to perfect your technique. Don`t be afraid to push things a bit on the junk hood you have to see at what levels you have to do things to actually mess up. Find out how much pressure is too much, how fast of a speed is too fast, etc.

Just remember to take your time, and have fun with it. :D :waxing:

04-10-2007, 08:58 PM
well thats part of the game, enjoying what you do and making money at it can`t be that bad lol.

I did a 67tbird by hand, all oxidized all faded, pitted all over the place, and i did half the hood with the meguiars 3 step just for the hell of it and that worked great (car is getting repainted).

The good thing about working where i work is we have a lot of junk pieces that i can bring home, fenders and doors and hoods....

Last yr i bought a carbon fiber hood for 50$ that was sun damaged, i re-cleared (spray can a couple times) and wet sanded the whole thing then compounded/polished and waxed and sold it for 100

04-10-2007, 10:56 PM
Looks like you are off to an excellent start!

About 3 pea sized drops of OP is about all you need per section once the pad is primed with product.

04-11-2007, 05:49 AM
thanks guys, i mean i`ve seen some of your stuff scott and i gotta say you guys are very very talented..the first car i ever did was a 91 Acura Integra (black) and i did it all by hand, a friends car but he was so impressed that i`ve done all his cars until i moved

04-11-2007, 10:35 AM
alright well the car is in the sun now and i`ve got some slight holograms, not as bad as last time but i can still see em slightly...did i need to work the polish in more? or not enough polish?

would they dissapear if i went over it with a blue finishing pad and poliseal @900rpm?

04-11-2007, 01:02 PM
man i see u everywhere VIC.

try the grey or blue pad with OP along with the rotary while moving slow and that should get the grams out. If not , you will need a PC.


04-14-2007, 12:19 PM
alright well i did the whole hood with an orange pad and OP and it didn`t even remove a single scratch @1400rpm so i stepped it up to OC and everything disappeared, then i ran OP with a gray pad @900rpm and had a few grams so then ran it again @1000rpm but the sun disappeared so i cant tell but i did bring it inside and looked at it under my halogen bulb in my garage and couldn`t really see em anymore so hopefully once the sun comes out ill be able to see.

I`ll post some pics later, i tried moving a lot slower and it seemed to help but im either using to much polish or just noobness lol.

04-15-2007, 09:26 AM
Here are the pictures, maybe a little bit of help would be good, they might all be gone but iv`e got a rain and snow mix until wed here so i cant check.

1 The other side of my hood i didnt touch, cleaned and here is the before


2 how much OP i used


3 What i ended up causing


4 Still a little swirly


5 Decided to use OC as OP wasnt cutting it enough, OC on orange pad @1400rpm


6 After 1 pass of OP @900 rpm this is the slight grams i had left


7 Here it is after another pass of OP @1000rpm and a coat of poliseal
