View Full Version : Wow, I quit my job and never felt better!

04-09-2007, 04:58 PM
I`ve mentioned it in other posts I`m pretty sure, but I had been working at the Simoniz car wash for a few months now as sort of a temporary job. My "official" position was in the detail center, but with two other people working there most of the time, I really only was doing detail work on weekends when it got real busy. The rest of the time, I worked in the car wash spraying down cars and punching them into the computer. Making 8 bucks an hour, it was pretty bad. Between the cold and uncomfortable conditions (my sinuses are horrible to begin with, and the cold makes me miserable), plus the fact that being what I`d like to consider an autopian of sorts, "detailing" cars for 8 dollars an hour, doing more harm than good on most of them (Trust me on this one), I was pretty sick of that job and wanted to quit so I could get started on my own detailing biz. Anyway, between selling my truck, getting my federal tax return, and my girlfriend being away for a week last week, I had a pretty decent chunk of change in my account. My boss at the carwash was an a****le, and when he reamed me out today for drinking a coffee while spraying the cars down (it was kinda quiet, only a few cars every few minutes), I decided that enough was enough and told him that it was time for me to think about moving on to something else, that I would happily work the hours he had already scheduled me for, but he said not to even worry about it. It just bothered me that I got yelled at for 5 minutes because I got 2 hours of sleep last night and was drinking a coffee while spraying cars down, but he doesnt care (and yes, he knows) about other people taking "smoke breaks" behind the building, smoking cigarettes while working, etc. and doesnt say anything to them.....

Anyway, I`m just excited to be out of there and I`m looking forward to promoting my own detailing business and hopefully getting some customers pretty soon!

Just wanted to share my excitement! ;)

04-09-2007, 05:21 PM
Good luck...no need to waste your time and energy working under that POS

the other pc
04-09-2007, 06:33 PM
Best of luck to you in all your new endeavors.


04-09-2007, 09:23 PM
Good job on taking the intiative and getting out of that dump.

04-09-2007, 11:50 PM
I hear ya. I felt so good when I quit at Denny`s when I was finally making enough detailing I didn`t need a second job. I had been a manager with them so when I needed a part time job, I waited tables at Denny`s since I knew the system and could walk in and make tip money immediately. I had an agreement that I would always have Sunday`s off since I had custody of my kids and was already working nights on Friday and Saturday. Anyway, the detailing was taking off, plus I inherited some money when my Grandmother died so I knew I wouldn`t be there much longer when I saw on the new schedule they had me working 7 am to 3 pm on that Sunday. I told the manager that it was agreed upon when I started I would be off on Sunday and I expected them to honor the agreement. She told me "too bad, you are working on Sunday`s now" and I told her that if that was the case, my last day would be Friday night. She got all huffy and I said if she didn`t shut up, I wouldn`t show up on Friday night either and that would have put them in a huge bind. She had to shut her hole and take it. http://www.scottwax.com/rice/videos/smilies/kekeke```.gif

I was so happy to be out of there. The new owners basically ran it into the ground. Refused to give a 50 cent an hour (to $7.25) raise to a cook who could handle a Weekend night rush by himself, so he quit and they hired two cooks at $5.50 each who would get buried as soon as it got busy. I regulary had to go back and help cook food for my tables. Good thing I`d been a manager and knew how to cook everything. Pretty soon, business went downhill and I went from making $100-150 a night on weekends to $50 each night. Ugh. We used to run out of everything too and even though the distribution center was not more than 5 miles away, the manager refused to go pick up stuff we ran out of. I even offered to do the food order every week and that offer was refused too. Just turned into a terrible situation. That Denny`s has been gone 7 or 8 years now.

04-10-2007, 12:37 AM
Congrats on getting your freedom. I had a job that sucked a long time ago for a French restaurant in Chicago. Bluntly, I had to deal with some crazy stuff such as the owners wife wanting to show me how to "conjo" (Hint: Rhymes with truck), a female manager hitting me on the rear, a hotheaded owner, and a whole list of other things.

When I left there, I was :woot: because I got a job that paid more, had benefits, and, most importantly, no idiot owners. Since then, the place closed down.

04-10-2007, 01:15 AM
Congrats on getting your freedom. I had a job that sucked a long time ago for a French restaurant in Chicago. Bluntly, I had to deal with some crazy stuff such as the owners wife wanting to show me how to "conjo" (Hint: Rhymes with truck), a female manager hitting me on the rear, a hotheaded owner, and a whole list of other things.

When I left there, I was :woot: because I got a job that paid more, had benefits, and, most importantly, no idiot owners. Since then, the place closed down.

PrinzII, you`ve had the neatest experiences of all. I woulda paid huge loot to have great stories like that when I was young.

The closest I got was the wife of one old owner wanted to talk about her bunions. It`s just not the same, it`s just not fair.

-John C.

04-10-2007, 02:10 AM
:LOLOL @ Prinz!

Best part about being a restaurant manager is being an authority figure to the females and let`s just say I took full advantage (legally with respect to age) of the situation. ;) Other than that, there really is no other `best` part about managing a restaurant. :nervous2:

Plus, when I was a Jack in the Box manager, all the other managers couldn`t figure out how I had so many really attractive women working for me. All I had to do was hire one and make sure the job was fun and she`d tell all her friends to apply, then when you get a few attractive women, then more apply. :up

04-10-2007, 09:48 AM
haha, thats a riot!

I`ve been very half-heartedly looking around for a part time job to have in addition to the detailing, just for a little extra money every week, only need 15-20 hours to be completly happy. My friend is working on getting me in to Sign-a-Rama (they make/install signs, big surprise...haha), I guess the pay is good and the work is along the lines of something I`d enjoy, and theres a few people who work there that want to cut back on their hours so they can concentrate on their schoolwork..... so I`m hoping this week I`ll know what the deal is with that. Really though I only was making ~$235 a week at the carwash, working 38 hours a week (10 hours a day on weekends) dealing with all sorts of B.S., so I only need to detail 2 cars a week to be making the same/more than I was working 5 or 6 days a week at the carwash.....

04-10-2007, 03:13 PM
PrinzII, you`ve had the neatest experiences of all. I woulda paid huge loot to have great stories like that when I was young.

The closest I got was the wife of one old owner wanted to talk about her bunions. It`s just not the same, it`s just not fair.

-John C.

Trust me, if you saw how she looked, I don`t think you would have considered me lucky. :chuckle: However, in my later days on that job, I was trusted to take the daily deposits to the bank and I would have anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000 or more on me at the time. The French owner told me that he respected the fact I had ethics. Additionally, I had made friends with the pastry chefs who crafted me a nice heart-shaped fruit tart that I gave to my gf for Valentine`s Day.

Outside of that, I have had a female boss who was trying to "get with" me. She wasn`t bad looking at all but I had started a rule about not dating co-workers. She didn`t understand that and made my life quite miserable. Again, had I known better then, I could have gotten her for sexual harassment. BTW, since then, that rule has kept me safe in more ways than one. :chuckle:

Another experience was not as comical. I was an intern for a nationally known company and had to deal with a bigoted manager. He was the one who showed me how ignorant some people can be. At the time, I did not know what to do or how to conduct myself in that type of situation/environment. I recall a party at a co-worker`s home and before he consumed one beer or ounce of liquor, he opened his trap to tell me "Play some music we can rap to." On top of that, the host`s (who was a very nice Hispanic woman) relatives spouted off the same ignorance. needless to say, I was beyond :angry :grrr:. She pulled me to the side and said "I think it`s wise for you to leave." I agreed because I did not want to be around that level of ignorance given that I had a very fiery temper in those days. If I had the knowledge/experience I have now at that time. he would have been fired or I would not have rested until he resigned.