View Full Version : Cyclo users - chime in please!

05-13-2005, 07:51 AM
In a nutshell, I am looking into the idea of purchasing a cyclo polisher. I have read quite a bit of info on them, but I feel that with this being such a pricey purchase for me - due to the fact that I can get the work done with a machine that I already own - that I am still missing some of the more personal information. It seems that the cyclo is often overlooked between the rotary and the PC. A lot of the cars I do work on don`t warrant rotary use because they can be brought to my level of acceptance using just the PC. This has sometimes been a bit of a chore, and I am looking into getting something a little more advanced.

Can some of you guys/gals who use the cyclo lay down some comparison between it and the PC? I would really like some personal opinions about it, some what to do`s, what not to do`s, how it works, etc. If this isn`t too much to ask, and you have the time, please share your feelings/thoughts/experiences?

Thanks in advance!! :dcrules

05-13-2005, 08:29 AM
I got one for Christmas. Here were my initial thoughts.....


I`ve used the Cyclo for 6+ months and like it a lot.


If I had the $300 to spend towards a machine, I`d take a very close look at a Metabo Rotary (very light weight), and I`ve heard nothing but high praises for them.

If you`ve become proficient using a PC, the rotary isn`t the huge leap everyone makes it out to be. The big difference IMO is learning how to control rotary hop. <-- figure out how much product to use to keep a barrier between the pad & paint, and steer the rotary with your upper body vs. steering with your arms.

05-13-2005, 11:46 AM
Just read a thread on autopia yesterday about how happy Cyclo users are. I own a Cyclo but I haven`t used it yet. I hear that it is in a class by itself. People who own PCs say that the Cyclo is easier to handle; it doesn`t dance all over the place the way a PC does. (BTW, I don`t own a PC). But they don`t notice any difference in the time it takes to detail a car.

The main selling point for the Cyclo is that it is virtually impossible to burn the paint or even to bog it down! This is why I bought one. I`d hate to ruin my paint the first time I put the pad to it! :hurl


05-13-2005, 01:27 PM
I own a cyclo, pc, and rotary. I`ve seen all 3 of them burn through clear coat when not used properly.

IMO the cyclo saves a lot of time over the PC in a few ways

-It breaks down polish quicker
-Many time where a PC will require 2 or more passes, you can accomplish the same results with the cyclo in a single pass.

The cyclo isn`t very user friendly around mirrors and tight spots. It does have a few limitations. The cord could be another 4` longer too. These are a few of the con`s of a cyclo, but when the dust settles I still think it`s a fantastic polishing machine. I use mine a lot.

I think you can accomplish 90-95% of the same things with a cyclo compared to a rotary.

05-13-2005, 03:44 PM
In a nutshell, I am looking into the idea of purchasing a cyclo polisher. I have read quite a bit of info on them, but I feel that with this being such a pricey purchase for me - due to the fact that I can get the work done with a machine that I already own - that I am still missing some of the more personal information. It seems that the cyclo is often overlooked between the rotary and the PC. A lot of the cars I do work on don`t warrant rotary use because they can be brought to my level of acceptance using just the PC. This has sometimes been a bit of a chore, and I am looking into getting something a little more advanced.

Can some of you guys/gals who use the cyclo lay down some comparison between it and the PC? I would really like some personal opinions about it, some what to do`s, what not to do`s, how it works, etc. If this isn`t too much to ask, and you have the time, please share your feelings/thoughts/experiences?

Thanks in advance!! :dcrules

Although I do not have a business, the detailing bug has hit me hard this year. I sure hope that this thread gets a lot of responses because I am interested in all the responses that any one has.

I have a rotary but find that it is very fatigueing. I have a lot of details lined up for the summer. When I left Texas, I thought the rotary was all that i needed. I miss my pc but it has it`s limitations also. I am wondering if the Cyclo will really be an addition that will fill the gaps between the PC and the rotary.