View Full Version : I am getting so sick of the Zaino thing!

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04-01-2007, 02:43 PM
I mod on tundrasolutionsl.com in the "Detail" forum, and it seems like whenever a question comes up about car care, Zaino is the first word thrown out with everyone and their brother agreeing. I always interject mentioning that Zaino is not a cure-all and there are other products out there that IMO do as good if not better job. I am always pushing Duragloss 105 and AW and M21 over there, and most people listen, but for many, its Zaino or nothing.

Anyone else tired of hearing about how great Zaino is? I know it`s a great product, but I also know that there are other things out there that are cheaper and work just as well.

04-01-2007, 02:59 PM
Anyone else tired of hearing about how great Zaino is? I know it`s a great product, but I also know that there are other things out there that are cheaper and work just as well.

yes I have never used it and never will

because a lot of people feel it is the end all of products

I was at a car show one time and the guy next to me kept telling everyone

that my car only look so good because of Zaino!

had him over the house and showed him how I detailed a car

and proved to him there were other options out there

a few beer later we were like old friends!

04-01-2007, 03:16 PM
I bought some , used some , and really don`t care for it . I still never can see what all the hype is about it. Way over rated and priced IMO.

04-01-2007, 03:17 PM
As a moderator, you learn to be as biased as possible keeping emotion and/or opinion completely out of it, but as a fellow detailer, I can`t say that it bothers me anyway. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and Zaino *is* a good product, just like a LOT of other products out there. The only thing I ever disagree with is telling someone that their opinion is wrong. I don`t tolerate that.

04-01-2007, 03:25 PM
I never tell them their opinion is wrong and I stress that they make their own suggestions, I just try to inform. It`s hard b/c alot of people are set in their ways and wont hear anything but the "Z" word ever. It`s annoying.

04-01-2007, 03:28 PM
Alot of folks (myself included) like it just like alot of products. There are a few products and places that sell detailing products that I don`t care for. Funny how I can "let folks be" who post about these products or vendors. Try doing the same.

People are gonna post their dislike for zaino in this thread, but god forbid if the shoe was on the other foot.

04-01-2007, 03:31 PM
People get their egos invested into detailing products. That`s the fundamental problem.

04-01-2007, 03:36 PM
I like zaino for what it is - an easy to use, high durability sealant that looks good. I dislike when anyone says anything is "the best".

imported_GBG TL
04-01-2007, 03:37 PM
I used to feel the same way. "What`s the big deal with Zaino".

I finally tried it last year out of curiosity, and decided to give it a fair shot (6 months).

If I had used it one time, and switched to something else in a few weeks, I don`t think that I would have noticed all of the subtle differences, which add up IMHO.

I`m very happy with it, but don`t want to get caught up in product wars.

People should use what they like best, that`s what I do.

04-01-2007, 03:39 PM
Sal does have a good product. Great customer service. That what keeps bring people to him for detailing. BUT there are other options out there.

04-01-2007, 03:45 PM
Yeah, almost every other forum I go to (including the BMW forums), there is always somebody posting a thread about their recent detail and how they used nothing other then the end-all-detailing-products of ZAINO....they act as if nothing else is ever worthy of touching their paint.

There are so many other great brands it`s not even funny. I have yet to try Zaino.

04-01-2007, 03:46 PM
Brandon, I had the same sentiments. For years, I was a happy user. I more or less over the decades stuck with one product line. Occasionally, I would experiment only to be disappointed. Like you I was completely turned off by the zealotry of the Zaino community of users. In a moment of weakness, I just wanted to try the product line just to see and observe the claims - but with an extreme and skeptical eye. The next sentence you will probably not like. But I did see the Zaino line of products as proof positive they worked. No, it`s not the nirvana that everyone would want. The underlying assumption for Zaino to work is that the paint must be in perfect shape in order for the system to work to full optimum. That is if you don`t correct the paint by removing all marring, spiderwebs, swirls the Zaino products will just accentuate the imperfections of the paint. Even with the new products of ZAIO and ZPC, you sometimes have to use other vendors products to correct the paint. At least with the addition of ZAIO, ZPC and ZCS to the product line, Zaino does allow the use of other vendors products to play with each other - before you were somewhat locked into the Zaino system.

I am not a pro, but a very serious, very demanding enthusiast that expects my stable of cars to be perfect looking all year round. The bottom line message I answer to anybody on what I use... whatever floats your boat. It`s what makes you happy. But on the other hand, I have learned to accept the bashing of the product. I do get my share of look and stares after admitting I use Zaino, that I am sort of Scientologist or cult member or my IQ is in the single digits. I have learned to grow a thicker skin and just not be bothered by the negative comments here and other boards. But I admit, this board is much more open... Other forums just run you off. It`s happened and the other Zaino users can admit they have been kicked off other forums. My thanks to David and Autopia for keeping an open mind here.

04-01-2007, 04:01 PM
I mod on tundrasolutionsl.com in the "Detail" forum, and it seems like whenever a question comes up about car care, Zaino is the first word thrown out with everyone and their brother agreeing. I always interject mentioning that Zaino is not a cure-all and there are other products out there that IMO do as good if not better job. I am always pushing Duragloss 105 and AW and M21 over there, and most people listen, but for many, its Zaino or nothing.

Anyone else tired of hearing about how great Zaino is? I know it`s a great product, but I also know that there are other things out there that are cheaper and work just as well.

......What other product out there has the customer loyality that Zaino has Brandon....?

As a mod for another detail forum, can you come up with anything that`s even close...?

There is a reason for that....

I have a garage full of many products and enjoy trying out new stuff on my vehicles but, I always come back to Zaino. That`s just my opinion but, it sees to be shared by many.

Good luck with your forum.....:xyxthumbs

04-01-2007, 04:13 PM
I`ve used and enjoyed Zaino. But, at least for me, I`ve found that Duragloss gives all the benefits of a Zaino, maybe even a bit easier to use, and DG costs a ton less. Not to mention the jewel of a product AW is.

There is something annoying about the cultlike status Zaino does get from many. You see it here with the 5 members (I`ll not name names) that OVERLY tout Zaino, and obviously only use Zaino in their C&B`s, etc. Ultimately, that`s their choice and it`s not like they are using crap products, Zaino is a nice line. I just find for *me* there are better overall options.

04-01-2007, 04:44 PM
Brandon, could it be that Zaino is the Toyota/Lexus of LSP`s.

When questioned about one of the best and consistently well build, quality vehicles one always thinks of Toyota/Lexus. Once someone purchases one, I owned a LS400 for 11 years, it very difficult to move away to another brand and one is always willing to sing its virtuals. Why? Because Toyota/Lexus delivers. The same with Zaino

Is Toyota/Lexus the end all and be all to every auto purchaser. Of course not.

In my case they to not offer a ultra hi-performance model that I require in my garage.

Is Zaino the end all and be all for every detailing enthusiast. Again, of course not.

Do Zaino users have any less right to discuss their favorite product line?

I believe the answer to that is quite obvious.