View Full Version : 10 days, lots of cars, even more pics...

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04-01-2007, 12:27 PM
These are out of order, I`m just going alphabetically. :) Today was a rain out, so it`s C&B time!

2006 Audi A4 (yes, A4); outside, inside, engine. Not a lot of marring, some deep stuff and typical black swirls. Hard paint.

Hi Temp HC/OP via orange @1500

106ff black @ 1200




2007 BMW 335i coupe. New car prep; the dealer hadn`t touched it (yay).

Wash, clay, Prime Strong, AJT


2007 BMW 335i coupe... Same as above, but we also installed the front aero lip, plate, and some new angel eye/fog bulbs.

Wash, clay, Z5pro, Z8

Pics were taken by owner the nexy day, it was dark by the time we finished.


2007 BMW 335i... (heh), sedan this time. This one was washed by the dealer, they told the guy "we won`t let a dirty car out of our dealership", as a thank you he got some nice random marring.

Wash, clay, 106ff/white @1300, Z5pro, Z8. We also installed aluminum pedals and blacklines (different tail lights).


2005 G35x, kind of rough shape on this one.

EC/OP @1400 (orange)

106ff black @1200



Mini! The new owner wanted the bonnet stripes and clear bra off, so we did that. Stripes were easy, clear bra was... uhg.

Wash, tons of clay, FPII via PC/white pad, Prime/AJT


Mercedes E320 wagon. 1999; in good shape considering the age and km, but a lot of swirls and some deep marring. Paint was rock solid, inside...well, dogs. :)

HC/orange @1600

No finishing polish. Seriously. I tried 106ff on it and all it seemed to do was make the paint angry. HC finished down perfectly clean. Weird, I know.

Megs #16


2001 Corvette; moderate swirling and some haze from previous attempts at detailing.

HC/OP/orange @ 1500

106ff/white @ 1200

Duragloss 105



Another 2001 `vette, pretty rough this time. This was a lot one, lots of repainted panels.

EC/OP/yellow @1500

IP/white @1300

106ff in some spots, via grey on PC (had trouble finishing down clean on this one on some of the repainted panels...)


Nattys Blue



04-01-2007, 12:34 PM
Amazing work, makes me really want one of those 335s! That Audi is pure sex, very nice.

04-01-2007, 12:44 PM
I love the audi shot of the rim and break, they all look amazing

04-01-2007, 12:49 PM
AWESOME WORK ON ALL! I always love looking at your pics as your photography really captures everything.

04-01-2007, 01:16 PM
All of them look amazing, especially those BMWs.

Stellar work, as usual.

04-01-2007, 04:22 PM
Great job...Looks to me like you have been extremely busy...:goodjob

04-01-2007, 05:11 PM
Busy isn`t the word! I don`t have to really say how much I enjoy looking at your work, but Kevin, it looks like your Bimmer needs some TLC now :D.

Thomas Dekany
04-01-2007, 05:18 PM
Just :bow :bow :bow

04-01-2007, 05:20 PM
Thanks guys. Sean - ha, you have no idea man. I took it out and just sprayed it down last night at like 8pm. I couldn`t get up enough energy to wash it. I think I have some time April 11th, though. :D

04-01-2007, 05:47 PM
That is simply AMAZING. Nice job!

I especially liked the hood shot on the Corvette.

04-01-2007, 06:05 PM
picus, all of the cars look great! I have a dumb question though, how do you decide what products, especially LSP`s, that you`re going to use on a particular car?

04-01-2007, 07:13 PM
Heya. Well, it`s a combination of factors. Normally if the owner leaves it entirely up to me and shows no preference towards wax/sealant, etc. I do the following:

Dark car = Z5pro

Lighter colored car = Prime/AJ or AJT

Now on some of the cars in talking with the owners I listen to what they say to get an impression of what kind of "look" they like. For example, the first Corvette owner mentioned more than once that he liked the warm glow of waxes, and that he`d seen cars with sealants and didn`t really like that "plastic" look. I wasn`t going to go over how sealants have evolved with him, so I decided to apply a sealant for durability, then top with Souveran knowing he would like the look. He loved it.

On the Benz wagon the owner mentioned that he liked waxing his cars, so I thought ok I will use a decent looking reasonable durability wax which will give him a nice easy "base" to work with... Megs #16.

The second Vette owner wanted to see how NB looked, so I just put it over Z5, it only takes 30 min and it makes for a happy owner.

So normally I just use sealants since personally I think 99% of the end result is prep, but sometimes I switch it up to cater to a client. :)

04-01-2007, 08:38 PM
Thanks for the reply picus!:up

04-01-2007, 09:12 PM
Wow, excellent work on all the cars. All the paint turned out great, 106ff is some amazing stuff when worked correctly.

04-01-2007, 09:18 PM
IMHO, the Natty`s blue looks better than the Souveran on those black Vettes. I`m sure I`m the only one that feels this way though. I ain`t skerred!!