View Full Version : Rubbing Alcohol Safe?

03-31-2007, 07:13 PM
While trying to remove masking tape residue yesterday, I used rubbing alcohol (70%) to try to remove it (tested on a couple of spot), it work but not that good, to my main questions: I have a lot of water spot on the Black Trims that was really hard to remove by many wash and srubbing with MF towel but when i used the alcohol,(did not try AIO or any other polish to remove yet) the spots came right off leaving no spots at all but on the MF towel it has black residue on it, do you think that was the black trim color coming off? I did not see any fading color off the trim. So I also tested on a short horz. scratch mark that was black on white front bumper, it removed the black residue mark,(washed that same spot many time but wouldn`t come off (didn`t polish yet). Also tried on paint and glass water etched but did not work. So is alcohol safe on black trim and paint or should i stop using it?

Thanks in advance!

03-31-2007, 08:01 PM
I just know that alcohol can possibly dry out rubber pieces, which is why you shouldn`t clean your wiper blades with alcohol.

04-03-2007, 08:16 AM
anyone know if he did indeed wipe the color off his trim? i USED AIO on mines the other day and it did the same thing. but got some of the water spots off.

04-03-2007, 08:29 AM
It`s just the rubber trim. Your safe, just don`t make a habit of using alcohol on trim though as it would dry out trim. Use AIO, Zaio, Z6, FK425 or some detail sprays, Z8 works awesome at sealing and shining them and making them come out like new and makes them water repellent. Even if your not a zaino user and that`s cool and I respect that, z6 and z8 are awesome on cleanup around and on moldings removing residue and bringing out that brand new look on most trim.

I hope this info helps you a lot!

04-03-2007, 10:52 AM
Anything that`ll abrade/chemically clean/effect a solvent action will usually result in transfer from most types of black trim. Rubber trim often sheds material quite readily and so will a lot of black plastics. Some material shouldn`t shed/transfer, stuff like anodizing, but I`d say that *most* will, especially when they`re a bit weathered/oxidized. If you`re lucky, only "dead" material gets scrubbed off and you`ll be OK.

Using 3M brand blue or green tape will avoid most adhesive residue issues though, so IMO it`s well worth the added expense.