View Full Version : First time detailing my (relatively) new car tomorrow, some advice?

03-31-2007, 05:50 PM
I have a rotary which I could use on a low speed and a foam pad for it. The machine is adjustable from 300-3000rpm. I also have an orbital buffer which I could use instead of the rotary but I can`t use foam pads on it. I just have a terry pad for that.

I have some old Meguiars 3 step (polish, cleaner, wax) I could use, but I might just stick with he polish and cleaner. I have some 3m Rubbing compound (not sure if I should use this?). I also have a brand new clay bar, which I want to clay the entire car with since it`s never been done in it`s entire life before. After I get all of the prepping done I was planning on following up with Collinite 845.

Anything here I should or shouldn`t do? Any particular order such as Polish, clean, clay, wax?

03-31-2007, 06:02 PM
answer me one question first

Do you know how to use a rotary or do you just have a rotary?

03-31-2007, 06:14 PM
Do not use a rotary until you know what you are doing. Start with a porter cable - especially on a new car where (any) swirl removal won`t be a problem.

03-31-2007, 06:37 PM
I just have a rotary, it`s brand new I`ve never used it. My car has some swirls but it`s white so its hard to tell how bad it really is.

03-31-2007, 06:42 PM
do yourself a favor and go to a body shop and get a panel or two to play with the rotary

on before you let it touch your (relatively) new car

there is a ton of info here start reading

and ask question when you need to

03-31-2007, 09:03 PM
I do have a body panel my brother painted in school, but I think I`ll just return the rotary, It was on sale at the store I was shopping at so I grabbed it, not a problem to return it :)

Should I use my orbital for the time being? Any suggestions for a bonnet for it? Terry (or MF if available) Wool?

04-01-2007, 11:58 AM
WhiteFox- Yeah, return the rotary.

I wouldn`t use that 3M compound until you a) know exactly what it is and b) have a bit more experience.

The Meg`s Deep Crystal system will work out OK on a not-bad white car and it`s not a bad way to get into this stuff.

Be careful that you don`t mar the paint when claying as the Deep Crystal step #1 Cleaner is *so* mild that it probably won`t remove any marring. Note that the DC step #2 Polish is utterly nonabrasive.

I would *NOT* use a terry bonnet!! It`s likely to *really* mar your paint. Wool would be even worse (you could some *very* serious damage). A very soft MF one oughta be OK but if it`s not soft enough it`ll mar too. Gotta be very careful about what touches your paint. If in doubt use a foam applicator by hand and buff off with a very soft MF.

FWIW, *I* would say to skip the Meg`s stuff and buy a can of 1z Paint Polish. Use it by hand and put the 845 over top of it. I hate to give "go buy a different product" type advice but there`s just no way for me to exaggerate how well 1Z polishes work out for people just getting started with this stuff. The Deep Crystal stuff is almost a waste of time and effort by comparison, the difference is *that* significant ;)

04-01-2007, 11:13 PM
I would suggest to patiently do some more research and become more educated as to what you`re about to do before you do any impulsive buffing.

I admit that when I first saw these forums I wanted to go straight to it and figure it out later. Yet you will be much better off in the long run if you read, read, and read some more. After that, you can take your step into the waters of detailing with a much better base of knowledge and you won`t find yourself coming back to the forums as much posting "Help, I don`t know what`s going on" threads.

Hope this is something to think about. :bigups

04-01-2007, 11:24 PM
Accumulator, is this the 1Z you speak of?

1Z Einszett Paint Polish ``Lack Politur`` 500 ml (http://www.pakshak.com/1z-paint-polish-500ml.html)

Denzil, I have been reading quite a bit, probably about 8 hours time over the course of a week. Everything I read is not really specific to my car, and I have been trying to find easy to find OTC products for the most part. I did place an order on some stuff last week after doing some research on each of the 3 products I ordered, and it should be here tomorrow :)

04-01-2007, 11:44 PM
Well, I certainly hope it all works out for you! I personally lurked these forums for quite some time before I actually registered and posted in them. I must have done near 3-4 months of reading before I made any purchases.

Keep us all informed on your progress. :)

04-02-2007, 12:40 PM
WhiteFox- Yep, that`s the 1Z Paint Polish! And that`s where I`d order it too. If you want something milder you might consider their MetallicPolishWax, or maybe they now call it "Metallic Polish with Wax" (they change the names...).

I agree about doing research until the cows come home, but I know people with *zero* experience who`ve had great results (well, *they* sure thought it turned out great) with the 1z/Collinite combo with no coaching/practice/etc. They just used common sense and it turned out fine. Some of the perfectionists here might`ve found fault with the results, but, heh heh, normal people in the real world would think "wow, what a great wax job".

04-02-2007, 01:46 PM
Just to add to this. I used Accumulators suggestions and went with the 1Z PP and Collinite 476s. I`m a first time polisher/waxer and my wife`s car came out great. My only suggestions as a newb would be to use a PC. My arms are still sore.

04-02-2007, 11:07 PM
I placed an order on pakshak, I bought a can of the 1Z polish, and I also placed an order for a can of 476. I can`t wait till it all comes in, because my car is in dire need of a good polish and wax! All i can do in the mean time is wash it :P

04-03-2007, 12:00 AM
answer me one question first

Do you know how to use a rotary or do you just have a rotary?

:LOLOL :woohoo: :buffing:

That was funny..