View Full Version : Metro Vac n Blo

05-10-2005, 06:38 PM
I got back from vacation on Sunday to find my new Vac n Blo on the back porch. Today was the first time i had a chance to use it. Let me start by saying i work on construction sites so it is very hard to keep my van clean on the inside and out. I started up the vac which was very quiet and put the crevice attachment on it. As soon as i started making passes the carpet was coming remarkably clean. I wased the outside of the van and then used the blow feature. with out touching the van with a ww or anything the Vac n Blo blew all the water off the van and out of the crevices no problem. If anyone asked me i would highly recomend this vacum for its portability , noise level, vacum lift power, and blowing power


05-10-2005, 06:40 PM
Does the Vac N Blow filter the blower?


05-10-2005, 06:48 PM
I am not positive if the blower is filtered or not, I didn`t have any problems when i used it. I have also read that people put cheese cloth over the end of the hose to prevent any debris from flying