View Full Version : I give up glaze/nuba for me

03-29-2007, 05:51 PM
I was planning to do a polish/zaino treatment but I`ve been driving into work every day now. The car get`s valeted park .....in NYC....but at least the lot I use don`t pack them in like sardines and crawl in/out the windows ! For those non-NYC`ers, ALOT of lots do this out here.

Actually, I do plan to polish, just not polish to PERFECTION as I do want to bring out some more of the black.

It`s jet black.

Been debating why *bother*. No matter how well she is PREPPED, the finish is a goner in a NY minute - especially being a DD driver . So I`m leaning on Meg #81 glaze followed by #16. I will still keep ontop of the daily washes, etc.

Am I making Autopian sense ;-)

Envious Eric
03-29-2007, 05:53 PM
just do that combo once a month and I bet you will be very pleased with your car year round....or even bi-monthly

03-29-2007, 06:03 PM
I understand completely where you`re coming from - my black DD gets polished maybe 3x a year, and I use monthly applications of EZ Creme Glaze, M-Seal and 50:50 Paste to keep it looking great without driving myself insane.

I`ve gone the polish to perfection/sealant route in the past, but with my CC thinning and being busy all the time, the glaze/nuba route works for me too.

03-29-2007, 07:07 PM
..Am I making Autopian sense ;-)

Sure! I only keep sealants on two of our vehicles and they sure aren`t subjected to the stuff yours is going through. I`d even say to change those "daily washes" to weekly ones.

03-30-2007, 02:45 AM
Making sense to me! Been doing the RMG/CMW combo on my wife`s DD.