View Full Version : Swirls & Scratches Renoval procedure (again)

03-25-2007, 06:31 PM
I`ve gone back 15 pages reading everything I could see on the topic, so I figure I can start again. Wife has a black 2004 Acura RL. It has been washed with terry cloth bath towel rejects for 2.5 years. I`ve told her that we cannot do that any more and have introduced her to the two bucket, Grit Guard, MF, blot don`t rub philosophy. There are swirl and scratch marks on the paint (of course, you say). In this new enlightened age I`d like to try to recover. Although I have some Z5 I figure that cannot possibly cut it, so to speak. I tried Meguiar`s Swirl Remover by hand on a patch. Better, but nowhere near good enough. I guess at this point I don`t expect to get to virgin paint, but can you give me a product and/or technique or doc to read that might work under these circumstances? I have an ACDelco PC, but I must admit I`m a little afraid of it and I suspect it is too cheap a tool for a good job. Any help appreciated. Thanks very much.

03-27-2007, 01:46 AM
I was in the same boat your in with my 06 Black Range Rover. It had cowebbing with medium scrathes in it. I first tried Scratch X by hand on a door panel. It improved it slightly. Since then and after a ton of research I purchased a Portal Cable 7424, 3 6.5" Lake County Pads (Yellow (cut), Orange(Light cut) and White (polishing pad), 5" backing plate, Poorboys SSR2.5 , Optimum Compound and Menzerna FPII.

I spent about a total of 3 hrs per panel but the result was a huge, huge difference. I`m still tyring to perfect it. You can take a look at my previous post which has before and after pics. Do a search on Rover06.

After polishing it, I topped it with a glaze (Clearkote Red Moooze Machine glaze) and S100 wax.

I did end up with one small side effect which I`m still tyring to work thru it, 1 door panel has light holograms in it.

03-27-2007, 12:08 PM
mschuyler- I almost always recommend 1Z brand polishes topped with a good carnauba, such as Collinite.

The 1Z stuff is *extremely* user-friendly and should work well both by hand and with your polisher. It leaves wax behind and thus you don`t have to spend more time waxing if you`re pooped at the end of your polishing session (you can just wax it after the next wash).

There are a zillion ways you can go and I have scads of different product lines on the shelf to choose from. But when it comes to recommending something for people just starting out, the answer IMO is: 1Z polishes topped with Collinite.

I dunno if I`d be so quick to blow off your ACDelco polisher. No, it`s not a PC..but then a PC isn`t a Cyclo and a Cyclo isn`t a rotary so it`s all relative. With a suitably soft foam pad it might save you some elbow grease :nixweiss