View Full Version : I`ve come to the experts for advice, pitting/dots?

03-22-2007, 09:33 PM
The car in question here is a 2006 VW Rabbit, uni black, non metallic. What I`m noticing is what looks like micro fine dots/pitting all over my hood. I can see some on the rof but the hood is very noticeable.

This past wekend I polished the car via my PC with the Blackfire scratch resistant clear finishing polish on a green pad. I then followed up with some FMJ. The car looks good but at certain angles, esp. in the sun and under flourescent lights, the whole hood looks like it has pitting in the paint? I`m pretty baffled because I`m not sure where to go from here.

I just received some Optimum polish so I`m not sure if I should give that a try with an orange or green pad and see if I can get rid of the pitting? I tried to take a picture of the hood but it was raining but if you look closely, right around the flash, you can see what I`m referring to:


Don`t mind the rest of the hood, it was raining so it`s dirty. I just quickly cleaned a small area for the picture.

Please give me your thoughts on this one.

Thank You!

03-23-2007, 10:10 AM
I have the same make, model and color car as the OP and I`ve noticed the same thing.

Unfortunately after 12k of OH winter my front end looks like someone sandblasted it so these little dots won`t be very viable. Additionally everything rear of the doors and the roof has been repainted due to Ohio drivers being unable to change lanes without taking out innocent VW`s.

I`ll have to look this weekend and see if the new paint has the same "dots" and see if I can see them in the original paint on the doors.