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03-22-2007, 08:11 PM
How long do you leave it sit on panel til removing? Seems like on and wait a few minutes and off. Is this correct?

03-22-2007, 08:44 PM
How long do you leave it sit on panel til removing? Seems like on and wait a few minutes and off. Is this correct?

after you apply it to the surface, let it sit for around 15-20 minutes (weather pending) and swipe a section with your finger to determine if it is ready to remove. if it`s clear where you did that it`s ready to remove. if it`s streaky, it need to cure a little longer...

03-22-2007, 08:56 PM
I usually start on the hood and work my way around. By the time I get back to the hood, it should be dry. It only needs to have thin layer to work right. Two coats are a must though to get uniform coverage. Well worth the results though!

03-22-2007, 09:04 PM
On darker cars with NXT I`ve always had trouble getting the paint to look "even". There are blotchy areas of dark spots and then lighter areas where I`ve pressed harder on the microfiber when removing the wax...I haven`t used NXT in forever and have never really came across this with any other product..Maybe I didn`t let it cure for long enough?

03-22-2007, 09:29 PM
I`ve noticed the blotches as well, more so on single stage(old Benz).

03-22-2007, 09:32 PM
Well I guess I couldve waited a lil longer. It wasn`t creamy or nothing though when I wiped my finger on it. It was clear. Next time I will wait a lil bit longer maybe and see what results I get if any difference.

03-23-2007, 02:46 AM
Sometimes the blotches or streaks can be because it apply too thick in some areas or some shampoo residue that didn`t washed off completely. But it usually will blend away after a few days. On a black car I will usually apply by hand - slowly take my time to really apply the wax thinly, spread the wax nice & uniformly & use a clean cloth while washing off the shampoo by wiping it over the running water to ensure I really clean off the shampoo. Black color is kinda temperamental & need more focus on really doing a great job. :)

Same goes to me, I start on the hood & by the time I finish the whole car. I`ll do a swipe test back the the hood. Our country M`sia is hot, so it will mostly pass the swipe test & ready to be wipe off. :)

03-23-2007, 11:30 AM
Let the car sit in the sun for a while and the blotches should go away. After my first use, I had terrible streaking/blotching on my red MINI and was ready to strip the NXT off. But I had to drive the car to work where it sat in the sun all day. When I looked at it in the afternoon before driving home, I had a nice, deep, even finish on it.

03-24-2007, 02:30 AM
I`ve had it sit on a car overnight, but this was garaged and out of the sun. It wiped off really easily the next day. That`s one thing I like about NXT is how easily it comes off. Durability though is another story.

03-25-2007, 08:41 PM
What do you mean durability is another story? How long should the protection last?

03-25-2007, 09:02 PM
NXT`s durability has shown about 2-4 weeks for me.

03-25-2007, 09:05 PM
2-4 weeks? are you serious? LOL. Geeeeez.What could I use to top it with that would give me some durability then?

03-25-2007, 09:30 PM
My paste goes reliably 4 months. I leave it to set 15-30 minutes on the surface.

As for the patches; Meg`s had a problem with the consistency of early NXT & #21 emulsions. If the products are from the older batches it is possible that you`ll get smeary, slightly oily look, with stubborn, dark-looking patches.

That`s a kind of overapplication, because the active ingredients can not level well, and are unable to establish a continuous, even film on the surface. The dark patches are indeed movable with a towel. You should avoid over-deposition of actives - so simply try to use less when you have older formulae of NXT & #21.

Earlier #21s tend to oiling out from the emulsion, releasing "water" droplets during application.

Megs will replace the products if the issue is too disturbing. New batches don`t have this problem, and of course, because of its different composition, the NXT paste was never affected.

03-25-2007, 09:47 PM
Hey Bence. Thank you ,thank you, thank you for answering a problem I had with nxt. I bought nxt paste first and absolutely loved it . I used it up so I then bought liquid and experienced the streking oily problems.. I had so muchtrouble that I swore off nxt and switched to other waxs. I may give it another go as I really liked haw easy it was to use.

03-25-2007, 10:08 PM
Nxt durability is far greater than 2 weeks. More like 3 - 4 months. Put it on thin and wait for it to haze before removing. Humidity is a BIG factor in how it takes to dry.

I`ve never had any blotching, running, greasing problems with Nxt (liquid) or #21 in Southern California or Northwest Wyoming. Both locations are pretty low humidity.