View Full Version : Baby got some new wheel treatment NO 56K!

03-20-2007, 06:39 PM
:grinno: Ok so spring is in full swing here in sunny ATL, so it was time to get to the car for the first time since ,i dont how long. I`ve been itching to get this done but just haven`t had the time or weather. I spent 4 hours today on the wheels alone. I will hit up the rest of the car on Thursday so stay tuned, but for now, here are the wheels. Nice improvement I`d say. I know, don`t worry about the wheel wells ill get those on Thursday.


Long Haul on tires

A2Z on wheels

Green Mini excel pad with a drill, elbow grease, and mothers mag/aluminum polish.

Orange Mini excel pad "same process"








Oh! This is what it did to those two pads...


I think they look a lot better for the condition that they are in.

I finished them off with a VM/EXP combo which I will repeat on Thursday to seal them again.

Any comments/suggestions always welcome!

03-20-2007, 07:20 PM
Nice turnaround, looks a lot better!

For the future, you might consider getting a mother`s powerball to polish, especially if you`re already using a drill so that you don`t trash all your small pads.

03-20-2007, 07:27 PM
ya, I needed new pads anyway but i want to get one of those for this summer when i need to do it on my other cars. I hear it works well.

03-20-2007, 08:02 PM
That is awesome work! If you ever get around to the powerball, some feedback on how that vs. the pads work would be great.

And, if you could do a little something with those drums, it would be perfect

03-20-2007, 11:37 PM
Nice improvement! :)

03-21-2007, 03:39 AM
*cough* wheel wells *cough*

All jokes aside that is a fantastic improvement in those wheels.

03-22-2007, 12:21 AM
ill have to figure out what to do about the drums. i was thinking of just painting them a high temp black and clear coating them. Any other ideas?

Thanks scottwax, any compliment from you means I did something right!