View Full Version : Zymol Clear review

03-19-2007, 02:13 PM
Well its review time again, i appolgize for my tardiness on this one but it happens.

So here is my review on Zymol clear (car wash soap)

Product: Zymol Clear

Price/Size: I went with the 8.5oz to try, it was $24USD.

smell: It was lemon scented, it was a very nice smell. I really liked this one

Directions (paraphrased):Add a small amount to a bucket and add water, it will foam up. (like any other soap)

How I used: I filled a 5gallon bucket about 3/4 the way up (im not a huge fan of suds). I then added a cap full of Zymol clear).

This was prob. about 1/4 of an oz, so really not much. Tops 1/2 and oz. It it works out to be only a few bucks a wash which is on par with many other soaps that required 4 oz per wash.

I then filled the rest of the bucket with water.

Holy suds batman, this stuff foamed up really well.

Then i stuck my hand it to see how slick it was. WOW its like when you add alot of liquid soap to your hands and its super super slick. I was shocked

i then proceded to do a regular wash, top down ect.

Lubicity: I touched on this before but I cannot stress how slick this soap was. For the small amount I used I was more then shocked it was amazing. It was slicker then anything i have used, including the optimum wash (which to this date was the cats meow, nothing better, untill zymol)

After effects: All i had protecting my paint was 3 month old megs 16, the shine was startinig to go but the paint was still protected so i want worried until midterms where done.

After washing and drying with a cobra WW drying towel the car was super shiney. Very similar to what alot of QD`s do. It almost looked like the paint was just waxed with the VW concours (very deep with a nice shine)

Finial thoughts: I love this soap, its expensive to buy to try but wow it is super slick and leaves the paint looking and feeling awsome. There is nothing at the same level.

Also if you look at the amount used per wash this is not much (if at all) more expensive then any other soap. Its weird but the truth.

I would give this soap 4.5/5 (only loose the .5 becasue it dosent come larger then 16 oz and the bottle is expensive)

Well theres my review, any comments or questions would be grealty appricated. (actully i love them good or bad).

Well thanks for reading


03-19-2007, 02:52 PM
Thanks as always for your reviews Mike. I`ve been using Zymol Clear for years. Personally, I always thought it was pretty good and very mild as far as soaps go. However, my opinion differs slightly than yours in that I rank Optimum Car Wash and Poorboy`s SS&S as better soaps with more lubricity. My Clear is a little old now though (at one point I bought a bunch of it). So, maybe it`s not as potent as it used to be.

03-19-2007, 02:57 PM
Nice review calgary, i do agree that Zymol Clear is a nice soap,but it does have it`s equals in terms of slickness,cleaning performance,and free rinsing ability;for me VW super soap is as good,if not better.

Also, FK#118 performs equally as good,as does SwissVax carbath.

03-19-2007, 02:58 PM
I have and still use Zymols auto bath soap. It is the blue green color soap you can buy in gallon sizes. I am very happy with it. I just have so much that it will be a while before I try any other soap. I think I have 5 gallons left. Your review has me wanting to try Clear. I think all Zymol products are excellent. If you like Clear try some of their estate waxes you will be very happy with the results.

tom p.
03-19-2007, 03:16 PM
WOW, I haven`t used this Zymol product for years. Had forgotten about. I recall it being a fine product but way too $$$ from a practical perspective.

03-19-2007, 03:27 PM
Interesting! I`ll have to try it one day!

03-19-2007, 05:25 PM
For the longest time this is the only car wash I used. I then ran out and used Meguiars Gold Class and I noticed the difference after the wash. It Zymol always left my car looking (as the OP stated) as if I just gave it a QD. Yeah, it`s expensive, but it lasts quite a while.

03-19-2007, 05:58 PM
Well written review. :bow

Interesting shampoo. I thought I would research what`s in this product that would produce such post-wash QD-like gloss and lubricity. I was also wondering if this is a carnuaba washing product or one that can be used for any type of LSP .

Zymol Clear contains safflower oil, cetyl esters, cetyl cocoamide (derived from coconut oil), lemon peel, titanium dioxide (opacifier)

Product Description (from their website)

"Did you know that even the mildest soap will accelerate the condition known as "paint starvation"? The strong detergents in commercial car washes can dull your finish even faster, causing paint to lose its natural oil through oxidation. Zymöl Clear™ Auto Bathe contains a unique combination of pure tallow(beef by-product), pure coconut essence oil conditioners and lemon extracts to gently clean and care for your car."

I think I will pass. These ingredients describe a hand lotion/wash more so than a vehicle shampoo.:sadwavey:

03-19-2007, 06:50 PM
Well written review. :bow

Interesting shampoo. I thought I would research what`s in this product that would produce such post-wash QD-like gloss and lubricity. I was also wondering if this is a carnuaba washing product or one that can be used for any type of LSP .

Zymol Clear contains safflower oil, cetyl esters, cetyl cocoamide (derived from coconut oil), lemon peel, titanium dioxide (opacifier)

Product Description (from their website)

"Did you know that even the mildest soap will accelerate the condition known as "paint starvation"? The strong detergents in commercial car washes can dull your finish even faster, causing paint to lose its natural oil through oxidation. Zymöl Clear™ Auto Bathe contains a unique combination of pure tallow(beef by-product), pure coconut essence oil conditioners and lemon extracts to gently clean and care for your car."

I think I will pass. These ingredients describe a hand lotion/wash more so than a vehicle shampoo.:sadwavey:

I always though Zymol ingredients read more like a shopping list. It really just struck me as odd when I would compare other labels which featured long chemical names. However, if a product works then it works. It doesn`t really matter if the main ingredient is ````` dust. :)

03-19-2007, 11:12 PM
Thanks everyone for the kind words as for the ingredents. Its not a huge deal to me, it seems to work well and does no damage so why not? If it was casuing problems then i would be worried but its not so....

03-20-2007, 07:05 AM
Thanks everyone for the kind words as for the ingredents. Its not a huge deal to me, it seems to work well and does no damage so why not? If it was casuing problems then i would be worried but its not so....

If is works in your regimen, not a problem at all. The functionality is the important element no matter what, if not harmful, is in the product. One good thing is that Zymol`s ingredients seem to be very environmentally friendly. That is always a good thing. :xyxthumbs

The reason I check ingredients is because I use sealants and most require a oil-free finish for proper bonding.:usa

03-20-2007, 07:09 AM
Thanks everyone for the kind words as for the ingredents. Its not a huge deal to me, it seems to work well and does no damage so why not? If it was casuing problems then i would be worried but its not so....

If is works in your regimen, not a problem at all. The functionality is the important element no matter what, if not harmful, is in the product. One good thing is that Zymol`s ingredients seem to be very environmental friendly. That is always a good thing. :xyxthumbs

The reason I check ingredients is because I use sealants and most require a oil-free finish for proper bonding.:usa

03-20-2007, 09:19 AM
I`m a little surprised by the ingredients because Zymol makes such a big deal about having a "virgin" surface before applying their wax. I suppose when you use HD-Cleanse after this it would remove all the oils from Clear, but if you used Clear after waxing it would supposedly help replenish them in the wax. Given that presumption and the cost, it doesn`t seem the most practical thing to use for those times you`re going to have to use HD-Cleanse.

03-20-2007, 06:34 PM
maybe its just my ego but i though some people moght find this intresting (those lookig at using zymol products) so heres a shamelss bump

12-22-2007, 11:27 AM
Hi Guys,

I just used Zymol Clear for the first time in a long while. It was probably about 4 yrs ago when i last had some and Autopian ways were only just setting in.

The car had plenty of road grime on it and and with all the frosts it had ran down car making it look pretty yuck.

I mixed 1 capful of Clear with about 3 gallons water. I have to say this foamed up pretty well in the hard water of N. London. In went my clean Sonus washmitt, no contamination from other washes.

First thing that hit was the lemon scent, the cleaning water was well lubricated but not as well other shampoos on the market. I started to wash the car and suds certantly did not transfer to the car. They stated in the bucked for most of the wash, it wasnt until i got the lower panels after about 12 mins or so that the suds faded. Cleaning power was good, it wasnt pushing the road grime around or leaving any marks.

Rinsing off was fairly easy, the cars surface was pretty slick afterwards. I used as little Quickshine as possible on the wetter areas to dry off the car so it wouldent spoil the QD`d looks that Clear leaves behind.

Im quite impressed, this was on a car that was covered with Nattys Orig. i dident want to head to the Desinty car at first incase this wash wasnt powerful enough to get it cleaned up!

I have the Swissvax Car Bath and Vic Wax Super Soap to try out too. It will be good to see how they stack up!
