View Full Version : Victoria Wax (and other Victoria products)?

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03-17-2007, 04:17 PM
I have a six month old Boxster in Meteor Metallic. When I got it I put down a later of Carlack and several coats of Collinite 476S. Through careful washing the paint is flawless IMHO and because of the Collinite it beads like crazy.

The "Tom and Jerry" angel on my should says I won`t be able to make it look any better. The devil is saying "go on try something a bit special" :)

I can afford to try out Zymol/Swissol etc. but that angel is holding me back as I`m not sure I can justify the cost.

I`ve been reading a fair bit about Victoria Wax (especially the Concours) and I`m tempted.

Is there a consensus on what the equivalent Zymol/Swissol waxes would be?

Also I see they do paint cleaner and shampoo. Has anyone used these and if so how to they rate, and are they necessary i.e. Zymol/Swissol always claim to use their product for their waxes to be the most effective?

Not wishing to be rude saying this but I don`t want to buy the shampoo/cleaner if those are just someone else`s bulk product being relabeled.

Also what is the durability like with, say, weekly washing using a pre-soak from a Gilmour?

TIA for any info.

03-17-2007, 04:33 PM
You can use any effective paint cleaning and polishing product with any of those waxes. As far as matching waxes against each other, my advice would be to first pick and try a Victoria wax of your liking, and perhaps further down the line, select a competing wax and do a comparison to see which result from a wax you like the best.

Good luck.

03-17-2007, 04:40 PM
You will see on this forum that you don`t have to mortgage the farm in order to buy product. Some of the products used by the best on this forum is relatively inexpensive.

Read and do your own comparisons. You can`t buy a perfect shine but through the learning process you will be able to attain it.

The most expensive wax with poor prep will not give you the result you want.

Big Leegr
03-17-2007, 05:22 PM
Their shampoo is very nice. Slick, easily rinsed off. I haven`t found an equivalent "bulk" shampoo.

Their QD is nice too. Easy to use, smells nice, helps make the paint look good. I don`t think it adds any protection, though.

Their tire spray is gooey. It really doesn`t look like anything a person would want to use on their car, especially once it has had time to separate. But, once you shake it up, it doesn`t look as bad. (In the bottle.) On the tires, it looks somewhat glossy, but not overly reflective. Lasts a fair bit. I don`t like the sprayer, personally.

Haven`t used their paint cleaner yet.

The Concourse has lasted over a month for me, with weekly washes using the VW shampoo and their QD, and the yellow wax is supposed to last even longer (but I haven`t compared that.) I don`t think it`s a requirement to use their cleaner first. (I hadn`t, and still got what I would consider very nice results.)

Sorry, but I haven`t enough experience with Zymol to directly compare the two companies.

Hope this helps.

03-17-2007, 07:52 PM
I`ve used the QD, the Super Soap, all three waxes, the Lite Cleanse and the clay. Latter is a Source Chem clay (Japanese), and you can find this brand under several different labels. Good clay, but the elastic types are better.

The waxes are wonderfully sensual, high class products. The Lite Cleanse is one of the better cleaning lotions, the QD is really nice (I preserve it for the VW carnauba finishes), and the Super Soap has the best lubricity in my experience. I`m running low on it, so it is like gold for me. I`m using 1Z Perls/Exclusiv and Sonax Gloss as my go to shampoos, when I wash the traditional way, but the SS beats them. I don`t know about a tire spray though.

First rate products overall, highly recommended.

03-18-2007, 01:13 AM
I am an avid VW fan. I use them alot and have a fair amount of knowledge of them

1, The VW concours is appenrly comaprable to the Zymol councours, i have never used the zymol one, i have a jar waiting to be used so iwll comment ont his later

2. The soap is a super slick soap, it has some great lubiclty and only about 2oz iis needed for a 5 gallon buicket

3. Te Lite cleanse is not needed however i would recomened it. Might as well start with as clean a slate as possible, it also has a small amount of carnumba in it (about 5%) to add a littlle protection as well as helps the concours (at 40%) wa bond, giving you a longer lasting protection

4. David Wylle Sr. Makes all his own products. VW is his product line and is not a re-labeled anything. It is VW and nothing else

5. If you are intrested in trying more then just the wax give david a call.he might still offer a smapler kti which includes wa,clay, soap,cleanse, and QD.. i cannnot garuntee he still offers it however a quick call will help..

if you have anymore questions let me know, either in a pm or on here... just let me know when you post and i will do my best to get you an anwser....

p.s I DO NOT work for VW i just love the products

EDIT: after re-looking over the thread I feel this will be helpfull

Concours is a pur carnumba wwa, it has no polimers and its just wax, similar to many higher end waxes on the makret

Collector wa has less wax conented bya few% however contains some polimers, this alows for longer protection but you do sacrafice a very small amoiunt of depth in the paint

03-18-2007, 05:10 AM
Thanks all.

I certainly plan on getting the Concours and from the sounds of it it`s worth getting a bottle of the Cleanse.

Given I don`t have swirls but do have Collinite on the paint will the Lite be strong enough?

Wash wise I already use the Einszett pair so I`m wondering if I really need bother with the Victoria soap, but for the sake of a small amount added to the order it`s probably worth it.

tom p.
03-20-2007, 09:27 AM
Guys, is there anyone in the USA selling the Victoria product line?


03-20-2007, 12:52 PM
Can`t you just get it direct? They offer free shipping to the US so I would guess it`s likely to be cheaper in total than going anywhere else?

tom p.
03-20-2007, 01:19 PM
Hmmmm, didn`t check that. It`s free shipping to the USoA? I`ll have to have a look.


tom p.
03-20-2007, 01:29 PM
FREE SHIPPING on all orders to Canada and United States, shipped by surface Parcel Post.


Next, are they quoting prices in $$US or $$CDN? I`m not sure I am mentally prepared to pay $$US18 for a 16oz bottle of shampoo..


03-20-2007, 01:39 PM
VW in my opinion is a lot better than expensive Zymol products such as Concours. Go for it!

03-20-2007, 01:40 PM

Next, are they quoting prices in $$US or $$CDN? I`m not sure I am mentally prepared to pay $$US18 for a 16oz bottle of shampoo..


All I`ll say to that is try living in the UK. Companies don`t call us Treasure Island for nothing.

tom p.
03-20-2007, 01:51 PM
All I`ll say to that is try living in the UK.

I did for a number of years. :)

Companies don`t call us Treasure Island for nothing.

I understand. But we can`t pop `round to Halfraud`s and buy SONAX on the cheap :grinno:

tom p.
03-20-2007, 01:53 PM
I sent a note (and called) to them. I still want to know if that`s $$CDN he`s quoting. Keep things in perspective: I have a ton of shampoo in the basement right now.