View Full Version : ONR video?

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03-13-2007, 04:03 PM
Does anybody know of any video of people using ONR/QEW/etc? I`ve seen all the tutorials with the pictures, but I think that a video would be a lot better for me to understand details when using ONR. If an autopian could actually make a video, I would be eternally grateful :)

03-13-2007, 04:48 PM
I agree! I`ve been wanting to use my ONR for washing, but been too scared to do it. I thought Justin was going to upload a video? Maybe I missed it?

03-13-2007, 05:36 PM
I use ONR but would love to see how Justin, Scott or others use it.

03-13-2007, 05:39 PM
I am confused as there is not much to it

do you have question we could help you with?

03-13-2007, 05:42 PM
That`s something I`ve been wishing I could see for a while now!! I actually just registered here so I could reply to this thread and put in my support for an ONR video!! :bigups

03-13-2007, 05:50 PM
BigJimZ28, some specific questions that I can think of that can`t be covered in pictures or these threads:

1. How much pressure to use on the washing media when wiping off the ONR

2. How much ONR to put onto car when washing

3. How much to spray on for pretreatment

4. How wheelwells are cleaned

5. How well the ONR does on wheels

and etc.. I`m sure that a video would be allow a more comprehensive understanding of ONR, just like those polishing videos that Anthony have posted.

03-13-2007, 05:59 PM
1. I just let the mitt glide over the paint. On occasion you have to use a little pressure but nothing to substantial.

2. I don`t put any ONR on the car when washing I use whats recommended on the bottle and it works just fine for me.

3. I usually if I am going to pretreat an area (ONR will handle alot more then you think) will spray it on at the clay lube ratio just to pre-soften the dirt and let the ONR work on it a bit.

4. I personally just wipe them down with a old dirty rag. Some people prefer to do the wheels and tires seperatly though. Your choice. I normall just use the left over wash solution and do the wheels last after I do the body.

5. ONR works very well on wheels I have found. To me it does almost as good of a job as a dedicated wheel cleaner. Just use a towel you don`t like and wipe down the rims and then wipe down the tire.

Hope that helps somewhat I was hesitant at first but you will love it after you use it. No worries.

03-13-2007, 06:08 PM
video would help me a lot also.

just wondering when you use your wash mitt into the ONR mix . instead of drying it off could u just clay right after?

also does it get rid of wax? or just clean

03-13-2007, 06:12 PM
We have to get scottwax to do a video, he is the king when it comes to rinseless washes.

03-13-2007, 06:16 PM
BigJimZ28, some specific questions that I can think of that can`t be covered in pictures or these threads:

1. How much pressure to use on the washing media when wiping off the ONR

2. How much ONR to put onto car when washing

3. How much to spray on for pretreatment

4. How wheelwells are cleaned

5. How well the ONR does on wheels

and etc.. I`m sure that a video would be allow a more comprehensive understanding of ONR, just like those polishing videos that Anthony have posted.

I`ve only used it a couple times so far, so I`ll let others answer most of the questions. But for number one, I use no pressure at all the remove the dirty water. What I found works well is to use two towels. I take the first one and lay it on the paint, and just grab one end of the towel and let it glide across the paint to soak up the majority of the water. Then I use a second towel, a waffle weave, to dry up the rest.

03-13-2007, 06:20 PM
1. How much pressure to use on the washing media when wiping off the ONR

a.) the same as a regular 2 bucket wash, as little as needed

2. How much ONR to put onto car when washing

a.)none you mix it in a bucket with water and dip your mitt into it

3. How much to spray on for pretreatment

a.)I don`t pretreat if needed I just blast with the pressure washer

4. How wheelwells are cleaned

a.) after I am done with the car a use a old mitt on them and the wheels

5. How well the ONR does on wheels

a.)it works very well you will be quite impressed!

03-13-2007, 06:24 PM
video would help me a lot also.

just wondering when you use your wash mitt into the ONR mix . instead of drying it off could u just clay right after?

just wondering when you use your wash mitt into the ONR mix

also does it get rid of wax? or just clean

"just wondering when you use your wash mitt into the ONR mix"

not sure what you are asking here

"instead of drying it off could u just clay right after?"

No, some of the dirt is still there and drying is part of the process

"also does it get rid of wax? or just clean"

it just cleans

03-14-2007, 12:26 AM
1. How much pressure to use on the washing media when wiping off the ONR

a.) enough to move the mf mitt (corded chenille kind) on the top surfaces which is just the weight of the mitt. On the sides I use as little as I can without dropping the mitt. If I find an area that needs a little pressure to remove grime, I get as much off the first time then rinse mitt in bucket and hit it again with a little pressure.

2. How much ONR to put onto car when washing

a.)I mix 1/2oz to a gallon, sometimes I`ll use a little more but not very much. Most cars that I clean on a regular basis I`ll use 1-1.5 gallons. I mix up more but that is what gets used.

3. How much to spray on for pretreatment

a.)I don`t pretreat very often but use a 2gallon sprayer and use very little (8-16oz would be my guess)

4. How wheelwells are cleaned

a.) I clean wheels, tires and well before the car. I use a 2gallon sprayer, boars hair wheel brush, stiff brush for whitewalls / letter, a powerpuff brush (for the wells and inside of wheel) and a mf or 2. On occasion I use a little bit of cleaner and rinse with 2gallon sprayer. I dry each wheel and tire as I go around the car. Once I`m done I go back and dress the tires and wells.

5. How well the ONR does on wheels

a.) Well enough that I very rarely need a wheel cleaner. If I used a normal wheel brush which is considerably stiffer than my boars hair brush I probably would almost never use a wheel cleaner unless the car was neglected.

08-13-2007, 11:24 AM
Bump becuase I was gonna start a new thread about someone making a video! I have a full bottle of this stuff and havent touched it because I wanna see a video.

08-13-2007, 11:48 AM
I would like to see a Scottwax video of this...