View Full Version : Polished Bliss Vs Aston Martin DB9 + Vintage.

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03-13-2007, 09:35 AM
Well, here it is, the latest detail to receive the Vintage treatment:


Those of you that saw the AMG thread last week would have read that i had aimed to talk the owner into a full correction detail as when i briefly looked at the Astons paintwork it was showing signs of holograms/hazing/random scratches etc. Fortunately he agreed as the DB9 really is his pride and joy and he wanted nothing but the best, including using his own personal Vintage he purchased last year!

For a car with so little milage it had surprisingly random and in some areas, quite bad defects:

Bird dropping etching in the paintwork:


Scuffs and scratches, hazing/micro-marring can just be seen:


The odd cob-webbing:


03-13-2007, 09:36 AM
It was explained to me that the owner had previously employed some Polish/Czech guys to come and clean the cars but even he had realised they werent up to the job when he saw that they were using dirty sponges etc!

As for the holograms (which were only down the drivers side) i dont know why they were there - maybe down to the previous that had worked on it, i dont know, but they definitely used a cutting pad and left some bad hazing and micro-marring in areas as can be seen in the pic below on the drivers door(had to use the camera flash to capture them):


I should point out at this stage that upon taking paint readings i found the car to be fairly consistant in most areas, ranging from 90 microns up to around 120. That is apart from the rear bumper which in places i got reading of 40 odd microns! :eek:. The highest reading i got was 71,so needless to say it didnt get any abrasive polish what so ever, instead it got HD Cleanse x 2. Luckily the owner`s Company actually specialise in paint etc so he understood just what the readings were all about and praised me for being sensible and not going at the bumper with the machine just for the sake of removing a few swirls and scratches :)

I started off as usual with the least abrasive of finishing polishes on a polishing pad @ 1500rpm. Where this removed around 85% of the defects it still left some of the deeper ones so i stepped up a level and went to the next finishing polish @1700rpm, this worked perfectly :thumb:

scuffs/hazing on top of the drivers door/rear quarter before:




03-13-2007, 09:37 AM
Once the polishing step was completed I then HD Cleansed all the paintwork and glass (inside and out) and then Applied the Vintage.

Whilst I allowed the oils to rise to the surface i polished the exhaust tips,fed the leather with Zymol Treat,hoovered the inside and gave it a quick wipe down with APC, sealed the wheels,dressed the arches/tyres and removed polishing dust off the fabric hood with masking tape.

The car was then given a final wipe down with Field Glaze (as was the hood, which had Field Glaze worked in by hand) to remove the last remaining smears.

And here`s the afters:







03-13-2007, 09:39 AM



I also managed to get a few shots outdoors before it got too dark (what a noise the engine makes as you press that "Engine Start" button :D):

03-13-2007, 09:40 AM







03-13-2007, 09:41 AM

I also gave the AMG a quick foam down with the foam gun and rinsed with the Pressure washer before i left, the vintage beading nicely....


Overall, i was very pleased with this Detail, as was the owner who has now chosen to sign up for a maintainance plan on the DB9, AMG and several other cars, so a good end to the week....

Thanks for looking :)

Thomas Dekany
03-13-2007, 09:46 AM
Wow! Awesome work there my friend! :bow

So is the finish easy to work with?

I am very surprized that the paint was so thin. Supposedly Astons have 11 coats of paint including 2 layers of clear.

03-13-2007, 09:53 AM
This particilar car had definitely had some paintwork done previous to the detail and i`m guessing whoever machined it before did a prety good job of removing a fair bit of paint!

its a shame really.....

03-13-2007, 10:07 AM
The AM is drop dead.:bow :bow

You do excellent work.

Thanks for sharing.

03-13-2007, 12:42 PM
I been following your various projects for awhile and I just have to say your work is ******* amazing!! Beautiful cars, astonishing details. I`m in total awe! :bow: :bow:

03-13-2007, 01:38 PM
Jeebus Creebus, that`s unreal candy work there my friend! :woot2:

03-13-2007, 01:51 PM
such a beautiful car. superb work on your part. absolutely amazing.

sharky nrk
03-13-2007, 01:58 PM
absolutely astounding

03-13-2007, 02:05 PM
That is some beautiful work.:woot2:

03-13-2007, 02:13 PM
O M G that looks insane the paint looks a mile deep, the final light picture is crystal clear