View Full Version : Optimum Polish Problem

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03-11-2007, 09:42 PM
I bought a bottle of Optimum polish and got to use it yesterday only to find out that it has lumps in it. The lumps are +/- 1/4" and plug up the hole in the top of the bottle. The lumps seem relatively dry inside if you squash them but mix back in once screened and mixed with a spatula.

Anyone else have this issue?

03-11-2007, 09:48 PM
It used to happen with the old version. It was usually solved by shaking it well or returning to the vender. Is it the new version, signified by a gold sticker on the center top of the label on the front? It says "New Formula"

If you shake it well and the lumps do not break up I would return it. You should have the new formula too, since it has been out for a while now.

03-11-2007, 09:53 PM
No gold lable .. and I shook it till I couldn`t shake any more. I have sent an e-mail to the vendor .. trouble is it costs more to return than its worth up here .. unless they cover it and this I doubt.

03-11-2007, 10:02 PM
Dee, I would tell them that you should have received the "New Formula." This should be at their cost since you paid for a product and they sent you the old product that has been replaced for around a year IIRC. I would also state that the product has lumps that will not go away and is therefore defective.


03-11-2007, 10:07 PM
Thier site doesn`t even show the new lable .. I did e-mail them .. will see what comes of it .. if negative I`ll phone them.


03-11-2007, 10:11 PM
Well, there is the possibility that they stopped using the stickers since it has been a while now. Hope it works out for ya. I love my OP!

03-11-2007, 10:13 PM
Well, there is the possibility that they stopped using the stickers since it has been a while now. Hope it works out for ya. I love my OP!

After I strained the lumps out I got to use it .. and liked the working time.

Envious Eric
03-11-2007, 10:15 PM
well they posted what you bought, so you might be out of luck on that end...unless they value they customer service...i know a few vendors on here would gladly swap out the bottles if you went through them from the start, but then again, they probably would not have sold it to you...

Anthony O.
03-12-2007, 12:00 AM
If a vendor is selling the old forumula then that`s really odd since the new one has been out for a bit now.

If you want a new bottle contact me and I`ll send you on on my dime. If not send it back to your vendor and they should replace it with a new forumula, David will credit them a bottle I`m sure.


03-12-2007, 12:14 AM
I`d take Anthony up on his offer...especially since the new formula has a bit more cutting power.

03-12-2007, 08:48 AM
Thanks Anthony ... let me see how Car Care Smart up here responds .. its only fair I give them the oppertunity .. if thier solution is bigger than the problem I might take you up on it. Unfortunatly up here in CanaDUH even surface frieght is expensive. Thats why I order most my on line stuff out of the US .. I have a US addy and only live 15 minutes from Wash State where the addy is.

Here is a pix of a couple of the lumps ... only thing I can think of is the product settled over time and the bottom "crust" came loose when I was doing my "Due Diligence" ( shaking it ). These are only 2 of many lumps.



Anthony O.
03-12-2007, 09:15 AM
What you got was a bottle of polish from a bad batch. Something went wrong in the mixing on a whole barrel of polish which caused these lumps to develop.

There is nothing wrong with the polish, in fact I still am using a few of the bad batch bottles after I ran it through a blender. Now I`m not expecting you to go through that trouble so see how they handle it on your end and if not satisfactory please let me know.


03-12-2007, 09:21 AM
I actually screened it through a sieve I made from a window screen just so I could get enough to try it .. I used it on my kids white car but wouldn`t want to use it on mine like this as I am assuming the lumps are the the abrasive component.. not sure. I was very pleased with the performance.

Tell me .. after you ran it through the blender ... how did the next round or drinks turn out? A little extra body? :D

03-12-2007, 02:31 PM

Is this an open offer for anyone who has the old Opt Versions (OP/HC)? Love my OP, but it doesn`t seem to be as liquidy as it should be, and it lumps a tiny amount. If left for a month the polish separates pretty badly. I have the replacement top.

Jess that`s pretty rare for that old of a version to be out. The new version kicks butt, more bite and a better finish.

03-12-2007, 03:15 PM

Is this an open offer for anyone who has the old Opt Versions (OP/HC)? Love my OP, but it doesn`t seem to be as liquidy as it should be, and it lumps a tiny amount. If left for a month the polish separates pretty badly. I have the replacement top.

Jess that`s pretty rare for that old of a version to be out. The new version kicks butt, more bite and a better finish.

Did you get yours from Care Care Smart? if so .. when? I recieved it a month or so ago .. winter here .. couldn`t try it.