View Full Version : second coat of #26, how long to wait?

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03-11-2007, 08:35 AM
Hey everyone, I put on a coat of Megs 26 on Thursday. i plan on putting another coat on today, do I have to wait 48 hours to put on new coats of wax or can i put two coats on in the same day?? I believe it needs to cure but am not too sure about that.

Also, do you guys QD or do a full blown wash before your next coat of wax goes on?

Thanks for the help everyone!


03-11-2007, 08:37 AM
since its been a few days I would do a wash

or i would wait till next weekend to do a wash and the apply #26 again

03-11-2007, 10:10 AM
Can I put 2 coats of wax on in one day or does it need time to cure??

What is the approximate curing time of most carnauba waxes?

Thanks in advance


03-11-2007, 10:23 AM
I wait about 30 minutes or so between layers of wax. I use Collinite, which is also a carnauba. Basically, I spend 20 minutes or so putting on the wax anyways, so by the time I wipe off the wax, I`m good for another layer if needed.

Only special sealants need 48 hours or so to cure. Usually sealants take 2-3 hours, some 24 hours, depending.

03-11-2007, 02:51 PM
wow, didnt realize i can put multiple layers in one day! Thanks for the help everyone. I just got back, I did a QEW wash and then applied another layer of #26.

Its looking really nice, I`m glad i got a little shade during the QEW, its freakin HOT out here.


03-16-2007, 10:42 PM
Hey if i want to use NXT and top it with #26, do i have to let NXT cure at all??


03-16-2007, 11:30 PM
I`d let the NXT cure for 24 hrs. before topping with #26.

03-17-2007, 05:45 AM
thanks for the input STG,

I think ill mess around with it this weekend, ill post some pics if i do.


Big Kahuna
03-17-2007, 05:13 PM
I`ve seen peoples pics here and it seems impressive to me. I`m interested in trying #26 or #20, but do any them stain trim?

03-17-2007, 06:17 PM
#26 will stain you up, but DAMN its nice.

never used 20 but have heard good things, Im sure i will try it eventually.


03-18-2007, 09:26 AM
M20 is an older paint sealant. If you`re considering that product, go to M21, the new Synthetic Sealant. I feel M21 is a superior product.

03-18-2007, 10:36 AM
Thanks PRB didnt realize that 21 is the upgrade of 20!

I appreciate the help


03-18-2007, 06:32 PM
Not sure that it`s an official upgrade by Meguiar`s standards, since they still offer M20. I do have both and have used both extensively.

I know that M21 is every bit as easy to apply, lasts a bit longer, and looks a great deal better throughout its cycle than M20.

I will say that M20 has some light cleaning ability that M21 doesn`t.

03-18-2007, 06:43 PM
So if it was just the next day could you just QD and apply another coat if you weren`t able to keep it in the garage overnight. Even if it was in the garage i`d still say QD a since probably gonna be dust still.

03-18-2007, 09:21 PM
I think its better to leave the M26 to cure for a day b4 applying the 2nd coat. As I think the M26 is a blended carnauba. Others layer their sealant/wax is 1st coat syn, then 2nd coat nuba after 30 mins.

I prefer the M20 as its a bit brighter on the paint than M21. M21 does looked glossy but its just me, I like my car to shine. Shine Baby, Shine BAby, SHiNe... :)