View Full Version : Can pollish, wax go bad?

03-06-2007, 11:32 AM
I have some Meg`s Deep Crystal System Paint Cleaner, Deep Crystal System Polish, and Deep Crystal System Carnauba Wax. This stuff has been sitting in my garage for about 6 years. Can this stuff go bad? Should I just pitch it?

03-06-2007, 12:33 PM
Stuff *can* go bad, but in my experience it usually doesn`t as long as: a) the lids/caps were on tight, b) it wasn`t exposed to temperature extremes, and c) there`s more than just a tiny bit left in the container.

I frequently use products that are a *lot* older than yours with no problems at all. While I could make a smart-aleck quip about tossing out that Deep Crystal wax in favor of something better (sorry, couldn`t resist :o ), I bet your stuff is fine. Just shake it up *really* well before you use it and *do* pitch it if you find it`s gone bad.

The Deep Crystal Polish is sorta similar to Meg`s #7, and SuperiorShine once used some #7 that was *decades* old, from the `60s :eek: It was still good.

Oh, and welcome to Autopia!

03-06-2007, 02:42 PM
I was wondering this same question, so I contacted several manufacturers about it. Even though some recommend a shelf life more importantly they all recommend storage conditions.

Keep this type of thing in a cool dry place that is not prone to temperature extremes, meaning something like a basement or controlled atmosphere as best you can. It "doesn`t mean in the garage" where it might be 110 degrees in the summer and 0 degrees in the winter.

Container seal is the difference between it being any good next year or 5 or more years from now! Take the time to seal it correctly without beating the lid into oblivion.

These are just common sense instructions really, but, I wanted to hear it from the Manufacturers, so there it is, just as Accumulator advised.


03-06-2007, 03:56 PM
So, here in Colorado we do have huge temp changes. I have kept this Meg`s stuff in the garage over the years. So my best bet to be safe would just get rid of it!!!!

03-06-2007, 06:21 PM
I still wouldn`t be so quick to assume it`s bad. #34 seems pretty sensitive to temp extremes, but other products aren`t that bad. Freezing is one thing, but hot..I dunno. The last shop I had got so hot in the summer that the overhead door motors wouldn`t work but my products did OK. It also got pretty cold in the winter (until I`d arrive and turn up the heaters) but not freezing.

03-06-2007, 07:07 PM
I guess another way to look at this is....try out the old stuff and maybe works maybe not, or just bone up the 30 duckets and don`t worry about it.

03-07-2007, 02:11 PM
I guess another way to look at this is....try out the old stuff and maybe works maybe not, or just bone up the 30 duckets and don`t worry about it.

I didn`t mean to come off sounding like the bearer of doom if you store it wrong. The manufacturer is always going to err on the side of caution. I certainly wouldn`t throw any product away unless it shows signs of going bad.

However I am sure the fresher the product the better. That is why it just makes good sense to store it in the most controlled place you can.
