View Full Version : Image 10 - heard of it?

03-05-2007, 11:22 PM
So, I was thumbing through an issue of the Robb Report I bought a while back for airplane reading material and I came across an ad for Image 10. I thought it was pretty odd that a car care company would advertise in the Robb Report. So, I checked out their website . . . IMAGE 10 Best Wax to Win Shows-Best Long Lasting Wax (http://www.image10finish.com)

They claim to have been used by many "show winners" and have letters of recommendation from "scientists" who claim the product is the best ever. Of course, there is no mention of what tests were run and what measures used.

Anyway, I`m wondering if anyone else has heard of this and/or used it. It`s fairly pricey at $50 for a jar (most expensive synthetic LSP I can think of).