View Full Version : Blue Magic as a paint polish?

03-04-2007, 10:14 PM
This weekend I attended our Porsche Club America/ PCA Zone-1 Tech Tactics event and one part was held on paint restoration and maintenance.

The speaker goes on to show a hood which he used as a sample to polish on along with a Powerpoint type presentation. On this hood, he starts using P21S GEPC. OK, nothing new here. Then, he takes a tube of Blue Magic, and uses on the same rag that the P21S was still on, a small pea size amount and begins to polish the paint!:soscared::shocked OK, now I`m confused. This is a Concours judge, also does resto`s on Porsche paints as well and to see this was just shocking. Also, he disputed Micro Fiber towels and claim they will leave marring. He was using cotton towels, but with the edging still on. No time did he speak of claying the finish after washing first.:nixweiss

Another product he showed using was a wool wads, like the ones used for metal polish, but with nothing on them. He used these as well.

He also likes using flannel as well. He still insisted that MF`s will scratch a finish or leave marring.

Then, he told individuals to use a "polisher" that can go 1600, so I assume he was speaking of a rotary. That`s all a Porsche owner needs, a rotary in their hands!:hm

I tried to get a question in, but didn`t get the opportunity to ask him on real polishes.

Never seen anyone use Blue Magic in tube or tub on paint. He likes the tube because of limited exposure to dust.

I just couldn`t listen to this and watch this.:hairpull A few members I know were also a bit confused as well.

Let`s just say I`ll leave the Blue Magic for the metal and chrome on my Porsche and stick to Menzerna at this time.



03-04-2007, 10:50 PM
WOW! Scary as some people think just because they have done detailing for more than 5 years they are now a pro and have everything mastered. Makes me want to get out there and teach shops and clubs the right way of detailing.

Sad part is that most people that don`t know anything about car care will think he is the detailing car god and he knows best. Then they will meet a person that does it right and tell them that they are wrong. It must have been hard for you to keep your mouth shut. I probably would have spazzed and took over. I would have hammered him with questions and left him, "da da da da" in front of everyone.

Atleast you had nice cars to look at before they got marred up!!!!

03-04-2007, 11:28 PM
There are some very "interesting" old-school ideas out there about detailing. Now I understand you can`t just discount something automatically because it`s not mainstream, but some of it *really* catches your attention. For example, take a look at this page:

11151. MOONSHINE ALUMINUM POLISH (VERY STRONG) (http://www.finishing.com/111/51.shtml)

the other pc
03-04-2007, 11:33 PM
…:shocked OK, now I`m confused. This is a Concours judge, also does resto`s on Porsche paints as well and to see this was just shocking. …Remember, in concours judging historically correct paint color is important. Gloss is secondary. Period correct hose clamps count rack up more points than a swirl-free finish.


03-05-2007, 10:39 AM
The speaker of the event was mostly old school in paint correction.

Funny how he was showing the towels he recommended as opposed to MF towels which he claims leave fine micor-marring. Sure, 100% cotton USA type are fine, but take off/cut off the edges and ends so you end up with a pure towel. Didn`t even touch about sizing that is used in cotton towel production. You need to wash these several times to remove it.

As for the Blue Magic, it was odd to see the speaker "mix" this with P21S Cleanser on the same rag and go over the hood. Damn, I wanted to go back to my storage shed, P/U some Menzerna and a few pads with the rotary and afew for the PC and show how clear I can get the finish with the correct pads and products. Next time I see him, I`m going to ask if he ever used fine polishes.

I seem to remember todays flannel as somewhat harder on paint. It may contain some synthetics.

As for the wool, it was used for hand application as opposed to using a wool pad, which may be fine for after wetsanding, but sure is more work!

Maybe next time I`ll bring my whole setup and do my car while onsite. I`ll have to get one of my guys to take the truck with all the equipment and EZ-Up etc. At least they can see what a true polish and pads can do along with MF towles.

BTW, he seems to give Blue Magic about the same scale of cut as good old Dupont #7.



03-05-2007, 12:22 PM
Question is, did you examine the hood he was using?

03-05-2007, 12:28 PM
Blue Magic is specifically formulated for clearcoated (factory coated) polished aluminum and chrome wheels. It is a non-abrasive polish, and in fact it does a very good job of dissolving aluminum oxidation in clearcoat wheels surfaces, while leaving a nicely polished texture. It is my favorite wheel polish. While I would not think of using it for a car`s surface, since its non abrasive then in theory it could be used on a car`s clearcoat.


Setec Astronomy
03-05-2007, 12:33 PM
I guess like anything, you have to keep learning/adapting/changing all the time, or you wind up looking like a dinosaur at a Porsche meet.

03-05-2007, 01:27 PM
Reminds me of the Hack teaching BMW M5 owners how to use a rotory... Saying how its all in the foam pad technology and whatnot.

03-05-2007, 02:39 PM
Did sean go to this event with you???/

It takes all kinds.. and everyone is an expert..

03-05-2007, 03:17 PM
I would have called him out on everything i could, but would have done it in the form of questions lol

03-05-2007, 03:46 PM
Did sean go to this event with you???/

It takes all kinds.. and everyone is an expert..

No Sean didn`t call so I could meet up with him at the site.

And I didn`t take pics. I was very tired that day after working until 2:30AM on Friday. Yea I know... Whaaa... got little sleep whaaaa. :chuckle:

I did see the hood prior to the speaker "polishing". It had minor swirls and was a clearcoat hood. I did get one comment in prior to him breaking out the polish. It was how to detect repainted panels or clearcoat. I informed him of the blacklight way of checking both for clearcoat (glows purplish) and repainted panels (not an even glow between factory and re-spray). That`s the best way to tell, but the area has to be pitch black for best effect.

That was my only comment. Then, out came the P21S (normal so far) and his application of it with back and forth or up/down whic was OK. Then out came the Blue Magic... I thought maybe he was about to do a chrome part, but nope. He ADDED it to the same rag that had P21S and went on polishing.

After that, P21S wax was used and applied and removed correctly.

After the whole thing, a few members of another forum asked it that was a bit odd. I replied, not odd, but down right scary.:soscared: As I told them, I really don`t care how mild BM is, it`s not designed for paint. Stick with what is proven that works and no need to attempt this theory.

If I could have arranged for the truck to show with all my gear, and if Sean was there, I`d have one of those Bobby Flay "Throw Down" moments!!:up I can put money on who`d win!!!:chuckle:

I`ll have to see if anyone else took pics at the event and if anyone else has ones of that seminar.

Quite a few nice Porsches did show even though weather was good, some choosed not to take them out. Inside, FBL had several 996 and 997 Cup cars and a nice new RSR!! On the lifts, two Cayman GTR`s one completed, one with engine ready to go in and on the floor. In the back, several racks with four 3.8 X-51 Porsche engines. In storage, many race cars back in there and some customer cars.

There is one customer who ordered a new 997 GT3 and FBL is swapping the 3.6 for a X-51 3.8. Not an easy swap I hear! So far, one of FBL people have spent may hours pouring over schematics and other items to get this swap correct. Lots of speacialized wiring and computer work. Customer tab is up to about $50-60K for this conversion. It`s engine, Bilstein PSS9`s and a few other items.



03-05-2007, 08:51 PM
just because it`s unconventional doesn`t meen that it doesn`t work. I once heard of someone using glass polish to polish paint.