View Full Version : Need help identyfing rubber like deposits...

03-04-2007, 09:59 PM
So with weather in the 50`s this Saturday I figured what better time to wash the car. Get the land rocket back into spring/summer mode where midnight blue is actually midnight blue and not blue/grey salt fade. I couldn`t find my Meg`s soap so I decided to do it the next day. Sunday came and so did the 30 degree temperatures with wind gusts of up to 25mph with a real feel in the 20`s; still like a trooper I filled up the bucket tripled up on the megs and got to work. After the wash I discovered the toll this fall/winter took on the ride...a looong way from having my baby worked on by GSR/G35stylez last summer...

I`ve got this nasty gunk all over the C pillar, door and rear roof that I need help with...

Damage control:

-Deep gouge under passanger door handle, length 2", right down to the metal, fingernail catches. Need plan of attack, have OEM Saab touchup paint.

-Scartch on bumper, perfect round imprint, not oval as with some pressure dings, with marring on either side. I can`t figure out what could have caused this imprint?!

-They not bird droppings, they`re also not tar stains. I`ve got these nasty white/creme colored stains on my roof, C pillar and rear window/door. These stains are not brittle hard, when rubbed with a finger they smear and pieces come off as your thumb rolls over it creating little rolls that you can then brush away. The best I can describe this is similar to that glue that holds the subscription cards and cologne flyers inside magazines...

this stuff does not want to come off... I want to remove this offending substance asap as I`m afraid it already did damage...that crater on the roof sure looks nasty! Help! The only thing I can think off is GooGone....citrus remover....any other ideas? I`m fine with the wax being stripped off because I will have an all day clinic and Zaino for the summer anyway...in a month or so...

Thanks guys.


03-04-2007, 11:13 PM
Ouch, looks like your car had a rough winter. As far at the white junk, no idea what it is but I`d hope that between a chemical paint cleaner and clay you should be able to remove it completely. If you`re going to try paint touch-up, be sure to read the how-to under the Learn link at the top of the page.