View Full Version : Is Adams Polishes Warner Chemicals?

05-02-2005, 06:30 PM
I was looking at buying some Adams Polishes and did a search on Altavista. I noticed a site called Warner Chemicals came up. I looked over their site and saw basically all the Adams Products on there. Is Warner Adams Polishes? The products are about 10X cheaper on Warner Maybe these products just appear the same? :dunno

05-02-2005, 06:39 PM
I dont know the answer to that but I do know Warner Chemical is The Chemical Guys . Just look at the web site when you view all the different products.

05-02-2005, 06:51 PM
I personally think they manufacture the products under Adam`s formula specs, however there is no chemical proof that I`m aware of. It should be a different product altogether.

05-02-2005, 06:56 PM
Striking similarity of products. According to Warner Chem web site, they do offer private labeling, custom blending, and a range of services. It wouldn`t surprise me if several of the well known products are one in the same, only rebranded and packaged. Being realistic to upstart a company and provide R&D, chemical engineering, manufacture, distribution, marketing, packaging, advertising is beyond the scope of many of these small companies. Couple that with limited retail distribution and it makes perfect sense. It`s a business venture, and I hardly think Adams Polishes or many others have invented it`s own products. Lot of markup potential though!

05-02-2005, 06:59 PM
I was actually searching for Adams Polishes and it came up. They have Butter Wet Wax, Revive Polish etc. I guess its not un-common to Mark-up I`ll try the Warner stuff and let you all know.

05-02-2005, 07:00 PM
I did that same search on Alta Vista and the only reason that Warner Chemicals pops up in the search results is because it is a paid or a "Sponsored" listing. They paid to be listed when you searched for Adams Polishes. It has nothing to do with search relevancy.

I could do the same thing and bid on the term "Adams Polishes" and my websites could pop up there too. It`s all a matter of how much that you want to bid so the search results don`t mean didly squat.

In an effort to stop the assumptions that are associated with asking these types of questions here, I am going to lock this thread. If you absolutely need the correct answer, this question has no reason to be asked here at Detail City to those who do not have definative answers. Go direct to the source with your questions.

If the chemical manufacturer is in the private label business, they keep their business private. They are not going to talk to you about who they may or may not do business with. It`s private. Sorry to be so blunt, private simply means that it is none of your business.

My whole point is that we are not going to let threads turn into gossip, rumors and speculations. That isn`t what Detail City is about. We also are not going to be a place where vendors are always on the defensive about who they may or may not do business with. It doesn`t matter to me whether these vendors are affilliated with Detail City or not. Consider this a professional courtesy. I may be handing over the keys to Detail City very soon but I know that this position will not be compromised by the new owner.

Get back to the process people! Get back to detailing!
