View Full Version : 3 or 4 day detail....

02-26-2007, 02:53 PM
I was wondering if there are any problems with taking a few days to polish and wax a vehicle. If I polish it and then have to drive it the next day to work and back I know that I should ONR it before I wax........but is there anything else I need to do?

It`s time to do my Tundra again but I don`t have any weekends available thanks to customers! So I was wanting to take a few days to do it.


02-26-2007, 02:57 PM
nope, just a quick wash down each day to get the dust/setiment off.

02-26-2007, 03:04 PM

That`s kinda what I thought but wanted to some back up! Thanks!!

About your seafoam signature......

Back when seafoam first came out I was in the automotive industry. We used to put it in the carbs of all of our delivery trucks and watch the traffic backup out on the main street in front of the store. Cracked us up everytime. Of course we were kids and kinda stupid......but we still got a kick out of it. One day the cops showed up and thought we were doing smokey burnouts in back of the store....:laugh: