View Full Version : Help!!!!

02-17-2007, 01:49 PM
Hey guys,

I am doing a `99 Tahoe/Champagne in color. I have hit the hood with clay/OP with LC yellow pad (even tried a Megs Maroon pad) and KAIO w/white LC pad. I can`t get that "smooth" feeling to the paint that I have got with EVERY detail I have ever done!

Any suggestions?

p.s. I am using a PC

02-17-2007, 01:59 PM
If you have clayed properly, the paint should be quite smooth. I find it hard to believe that claying would not give you the "smooth" feeling. Maybe you can step the OP up to OC. That might help a bit.

02-17-2007, 02:11 PM
I clayed properly and it made a HUGE difference! THe paint was like sandpaper when I started. I just have a hard time letting it go the way it is. Luckily the guy is only doing this detail to get it ready to sell. So it only really "needs" to look good. Doesn`t have to be perfect.....just not used to being OK with a detail that is just "so-so".

I don`t have any OC here. So I guess I might just have to leave it as is.......:mad:

02-17-2007, 02:19 PM
Well...............Mikebai :bow

I went back out and rubbed a hell of a lot harder with the clay and what do ya know!! Smooth paint! I have never had to rub that hard before on any paint. So here`s the question:

Could that be a testament to howb ad the paint was or the ever dreaded GM clear coat?

Mike......Thank you so much for the help!!

02-18-2007, 10:24 AM
No problem, I`m glad to be able to help others out :) The fact that you needed to rub harder probably meant that the car was in a pretty bad shape. I don`t think it has anything to do with the clearcoat. I don`t know how hard you rubbed, but the clay should be simply gliding on top of your lubricant. Instead of pressing down very hard, I think the better solution is to perform more light passes to avoid marring. Of course, since you went for the polish after the claying, a little marring shouldn`t be much of a problem. Good luck!

02-18-2007, 11:13 AM
I typically don`t rub that hard. I just let the clay kinda of glide of the lube and that has always seemed to be enough. Not on this thing though! Of course it had to be a big old Tahoe so it took even longer!! LOL!! But the harder rubbing did the trick. I never had a marring problem and yes I did polish afterwards. The paint is now as smooth as it should be!

Thanks again for the help!! Take care!