View Full Version : How long will ZFX last?

02-15-2007, 09:08 PM
How many coats can I get out of a single bottle of ZFX? I bought the starter kit which comes with Z2 and Z5 and want the ZFX to last as long as those bottles.

I`ve done 2 coasts with Z2/ZFX and am thinking now for subsequent coats to just do single coats of Z2 withouth ZFX. I read ZFX should be applied after every 10 coats, so I think I would use it then. Is this a good idea?

02-15-2007, 09:25 PM
there`s about 30 doses per bottle (IIRC) it also has a shelf life of 18 months

02-15-2007, 09:30 PM
How many doses is there in Z2 and Z5?

02-15-2007, 10:31 PM
Most people use less than 1/2 oz of Z2Pro or Z5Pro to complete their car so ZFX

"should" last through roughly 2 bottles of either product. (8 ounces/at least 16 applications per bottle) The problem was - ZFX used to only have a shelf life of 18 months and do you really need 30-35 applications of Zaino in 18 months? I have however found Zaino/Sal more than willing to replace the ZFX if it became unusable during that timeframe at no cost. That`s excellent service on top of excellent products to me. I also understand ZFX was reformulated to last longer and currently has a shelf life of 24 months if I remember correctly. It`s an outstanding product if you want to apply multiple layers in one day.